Tag Archives: Light of Christ

The Giver of the Source of light for mankind

The greatest Source of all is the One Who is a Spirit no man can see, but Who created out of chaos the Light and the universe, Al-Khaaliq Jehovah God. It is Him Who alone Who has the Power to turn the entities, He is the Evolver Al-Bari’ as well as Al-Musawwir The Fashioner, The One who forms His creatures in different pictures. He is Al-Qaabid or  The Constricter, The Retainer, The Withholder, The One who constricts the sustenance by His wisdomand expands and widens it with His Generosity and Mercy.

He gave a Source of Light so that man could come to see the Most Precious Light. He sent His prophet to give light on the land so that man could see the right path to the narrow gate.

The Most High (Al-Aliyy) Elohim, Jehovah God, as the Greatest One (Al-Kabeer) offered the world that light so that mankind could come out of the darkness of the present world. Allah gave that light so that man should not have to fear, for true there is no Power greater than The God of All that never tires from Alpha thru Omega beyond.. ..

The Sender of the Light is the One (Al-Ahad) Eternal and Independent One (As-Samad)

He should be The Great One, The Mighty (Al-Azeem), the Master who is relied upon in matters and reverted to in ones needs. Mankind has to know that they need Him, Who is (Al-Hafeez) the Preserver, (Al-Muhaimin) the Protector, the One who protects whatever and whoever He is willing to protect.

By the light He has sent to the world, people should be able to come to see Ar-Raafi, The Exalter, The Elevator, The One who lowers whoever does not fit to be recorded in the Book of life and falls under His Destruction whilst the others who recognise Him as the Most High shall be raised by His Endowment. Then they shall know Ar-Rahmaan, The Compassionate, The Beneficient, The One who has plenty of mercy for the believers and the blasphemers in this world and especially for the believers in the hereafter.

It is that light which came to the world who gave himself as a lamb and as a ransom for many in the hope his heavenly Father would accept that payment, which He did out of love for His sent one and for His creatures. there that Mighty Father showed that His the Ar-Raheem,  The Merciful, The One who has plenty of mercy for those who are willing to see the light and have it burning in their hearts, making of them worthy believers.

Jesus brought into the world the light of Al-Mu’min The Guardian of Faith, The One who witnessed for Himself that no one is God but Him. And He witnessed for His believers that they are truthful in their belief that no one is God but Him. In Him we should have faith and trust.



Yo soy la luz del mundo – I Am the Light of the World – Ik ben het licht van de wereld

With Allah


Read also

  1. How much does man wants to be dependent on a Divine Creator?
  2. A 1st reply to the 4th Question Who is God 1 A Creating Being to be worshipped
  3. A 1st reply to the 4th Question Who is God 2 A Singular Supreme Spirit Being
  4. Only one God
  5. God is one
  6. God of gods
  7. Faith
  8. Faith and works
  9. Faith – Concerning Faith and the Gospel
  10. Epitome of the One Faith
  11. Faith – Possibilities
  12. Truth of Faith



  1. Allah’s Magnificent Name: Heartbeat of the Cosmos
  2. Al MusawwirFinding The One.
  3. If I wished I would have transmitted the monotheism from Al-Samad
  4. Is Bismillah of Surat Fatiha different from Bismillah of other suras in Quran?
  5. The Glue of our Sovereign God, Do you feel it?
  6. 1st Sunday of Lent, Reflect on Truths uncovered and the Goodness of God!
  7. Is there a blessing for me?


Filed under Reflection Texts, Religious affairs

Forward ever backwards never!

All the materialism has brought in wrong hopes, wrong dreams. The dreams that can bring something valuable to us and those around us are often silenced by our greed to have more and to possess that what is around us.

Dreams and All That Stuff

Dreams and All That Stuff (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Let us never become disappointed by dreams which brings us hopes for something far better than what this material world can offer. Let us not be badly influenced by those who are happy by all the gadgets they may acquire and all their falls dreams they want to share on social media.

Let us look for positive constructive dreams which lead us further to the right path, bringing us to a world which shall endure much longer than man’s world ever could do.

The Most High Divine Creator has prepared us a Kingdom and a guide to show us the Way. That more people may find that leader and follow him, making the path, the trail, much clearer for others also to follow, so that they can come out of the darkness of this world and enter the light of Christ.


Additional reading:

  1. We all have to have dreams
  2. Move forward, not standing still
  3. Martin Luther King’s Dream Today
  4. Watch out
  5. 30 things to start doing for yourself – #6 is vital.
  6. little i
  7. Find Inspiration and Follow Your Dreams
  8. 2014 Bucket List Update
  9. A bird’s eye and reflecting from within
  10. See the conquest and believe that we can gain the victory
  11. You’re Lighter Than Air~


  • Do you know sin of omission? (yoursuccessinspirer.com)
    There are many things that we are supposed to do but which we fail to do.  Yet, we do not bother that we have failed to do them. We ought to bother because they are sins. By failing to do the good that we should have done we disobey God.
  • ‘Empire’ Star Terrence Howard Says It’s Time to Get Real About the N-Word on TV (thewrap.com)
    I believe if we’re gonna really tackle racism, if we’re gonna tackle bigotry, if we’re gonna tackle homophobia, we need to attack it dead on you don’t just sit up, you know let’s give a little Aspirin right here, no we need to take the sutures, open up the problem and reach in and grab it. And since n**** is used in almost every conversation in most black neighborhoods, why is it that we don’t hear it on TV anymore? Are white people afraid of it? Did they create the word? But if this is something that we use on a daily basis, then let’s address what it really means.”
  • Cal Thomas – Judge Moore is right (crescent-news.com)
    When government believes it can create or take away rights, it becomes a god unto itself and potentially endangers those rights. The only way to preserve them for ourselves and our posterity is to acknowledge they come from a higher place.

    The English jurist, William Blackstone, who once studied in American law schools, understood this. Blackstone was a contemporary of America’s Founders, who referred to him more than any other English or American authority. It wasn’t until the middle of the last century that the Supreme Court began repudiating Blackstone and started making law and creating rights.

  • Jessa Duggar’s husband Ben Seewald laments inaction in the face of so many injustices in the world (christiantoday.com)
    Ben Seewald, the husband of 19 Kids and Counting star Jessa Duggar, is sad that there are so many injustices in the world but people are not doing anything about them.
  • I Would Rather (anthonygoulet2014.wordpress.com)
    I would rather feel the weight of the world
    the sting of betrayal,
    hurtful venom spewed,
    doubts of others,
    dispensation of mockery,
    ridicule of lies,
    attempts of character assassination,
    and the vehement questioning of “Who do you think you are?!”
    than live one moment separated from my dreams
  • Sharing my dream (yoursuccessinspirer.com)
    Everyone has a right to their ambition. If you want to walk on the moon some day or on Mars, that is your right which you are free to achieve. Why not? Some people have already been to the moon; and they are humans like you and I.

    Our problem is often selling ourselves short; and the common reason is we want to please others. We do not want others to see us as being over ambitious.

  • 5 Ways to Recover from Caregiver Chaos (specialneedsparenting.net)
    Usually I review Bible memory verses for the first part of my walk and listen to an audiobook after that. But that morning I grabbed a small, yellow legal pad and a marker, determined to write down everything that needed doing. That way, I figured I might be able to capture the chaos and bring order to it. And do you know what? It worked.


Filed under Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs