Tag Archives: Imposters

Leaders in disguise

Aiming for leadership

Many people love to have the power over others and would do everything to get the leadership.

This world has developed plenty of so called helpers who would bring the best to the nation. Many promised lots of things to the people who fell in their trap, but afterwards were silenced and disillusioned, only had to live with many sorrows and lots of pain.

Donald Trump thinks he knows where Bernie Sanders’ campaign went wrongThe world has seen many who said they would deliver their people from all the misery. They wanted their followers to believe they were the saviour or messiah. In this way the world also got to see several imposter Jesuses that feed into the world’s selfish desires — Guru Jesus, Braveheart Jesus, Dr. Phil Jesus, Free-Range Jesus. The problem is, they don’t have the power to save us or transform us into new creations. But also the other imposters, the bullies or bugaboos, who tickle the ears of their listeners and get lots of misguided followers who all seem to believe the lies which seem to be true because it would be strange in case such crazy stories would not be true. How bigger the lies how more acceptable, it seems. As such the world could find a.o. Victor Lustig, who sold the Eiffel Tower, the false princess Mary Carleton, Perkin Warbeck, a pretender to the throne of England and many others. America stayed not without them and saw a.o. James Reavis, who claimed he owned Arizona.

No knowledge of Basic Guide for life

Most people — most Christians, even — don’t have a basic working knowledge of the Holy Scriptures, be it the Torah, Tanakh, Hebrew or Christian/Messianic Bible Kethuvim Bet or the Quran. Because of that, so many can tell lies about what is written in those scriptures and many do believe those lies. In such way there are many who can use that unknown element to have others believe that they are right. As such there are people who try to terrorise others with lies about a religion which in its fundamentals should bring salam or peace.

In this world of deceit, the ones with the biggest mouth, are able to get enough followers to irritate the rest of the world. We see that with religious groups like Daesh and Boko Haram, but also with certain politicians, like Donald Trump.

The Boxing ring

Trump just slammed Hillary, Bernie and Elizabeth Warren in three rapid-fire tweetsFor certain politicians it is a sport to blacken others and to spit on others. Many people area afraid if they do not walk with a bully they would be bullied as well and therefore go with him and do if they like him. They are afraid to show their dis-likeness in some case or do think they do have to show that they agree with everything he says, though they do not.

In this world we have lots of people who love to be a master in having the highest quality of being deceitful or having as much falseness as it can be without others noticing it.

Those who say they know the Scriptures should be careful who they want to support or who they want to follow. They should come to see the disguised misleader. They should warn others not to take in the wolf or the Trojan horse before it is to late.

Being Christian

Christians should demand from their leaders to have integrity and to show compassion with others. Christians (believing people in Christ) should take themselves the clothing of Christ and do everything to take on the right attitude, the attitude of Jesus Christ, who loved his enemies and all those who were not mainstream.

In this diversified world it might not be easy always to accept all people around you. There may be many who act in a way you not like. Many people may be around you of whom you disapprove.

As a Christian you should always keep an open mind and treat the others as if they are your brother and sister who you want to give all your love. Yes you should also love the ones who you do not like. What would be the difference between you, as a Christian, and the unbeliever who has an open mind and is generous to those around him or her?

As a Christian you should others to show the way to the Agapè love and to Christ his world, where peace shall reign for ever. When you know the stories of Scripture you should learn from them and they should not only help you know what you believe and why you believe it, but should also help others to come to believe.

You should help others to see who might be a justified leader in the time being and who may bring the nation some things good. But you also should show others the dangers of those who could bring badness to the nation by excluding some people or by wishing to expand their own power or being part of more serious and dangerous institutions who look for their own economical gain (like the weapon industry).

Always deliberate the good and the bad and try to go for the least bad one or the safest one for all, and therefore not always the most profitable for yourself.

Make an honest choice for the community, safeguarding all who have to find a good place to live in.


Preceding articles

Children of Men

Hillary Clinton Says Religious Beliefs About Abortion Have to be Changed

Mountains of information, disinformation and breaking away

American Christians have to think twice before going to vote

Max Lucado: I Had a Dream That Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump Reached a Truce

Not making yourselves abominable

Not following the tradition of man


Additional reading

  1. 150 Years after the 13th Amendment
  2. Refugee crisis, terrorist attacks and created fear
  3. Vatican against Opponents of immigration
  4. Peppered Speeches at Republican National Convention
  5. Bumpy road to success
  6. Bridge builder Obama
  7. Coming closer to the end of 2015 and the end for Donald Trump as presidential candidate
  8. 2015 In the Picture
  9. Summary for the year 2015 # 2 Strewn with corpses and refugees
  10. Wrong choices made to get rid of Assad
  11. Trump brand of migrant demonization #1
  12. Trump brand of migrant demonization #2
  13. Cowardly governors give ISIS a propaganda victory: Refusing refugees is a moral outrage & a strategic blunder
  14. Blinded crying blue murder having being made afraid by a bugaboo


Further reading

  1. candid, candidate
  2. Punch
  3. The Worst Form of Government, Except for All the Rest: A Tender, Truncated Tirade
  4. Mass Media’s Deception Causing Division
  5. Quote [41] – The Dulling Social Expectation Of Poor Political Culture
  6. Wolf-watching
  7. The Perfect Veep
  8. 50 years of denial: How the American news media enabled the racism of Donald Trump and the Republican Party
  9. Rob Reiner: Trump “Believes He Is Above Everybody,” American Public Wants to Know What He’s Involved With
  10. Imagine Waking Up November 9th to President Trump
  11. Donald Trump vs. America: The GOP presidential nominee explicitly asks Russia to violate our national security
  12. Donald Trump encourages Russia to hack Hillary Clinton 1
  13. Donald Trump Encourages Russia to Hack Hillary Clinton 2
  14. Donald Trump Stunningly Cheers Russian Hackers: ‘I Hope You Find Hillary Clinton’s Missing Emails’
  15. To Russia with love: Trump wants an unlikely ally to end Hillary’s campaign
  16. For Trump and Brexit voters, echoes of the same frustrations
  17. Tim Kaine Was Not The Governor of New Jersey
  18. Trumpence
  19. Trump & Gnats
  20. Exclusive Account of Donald Trump’s Audition for The Voice
  21. Why This Gay Republican Isn’t Fazed By GOP’s Anti-Queer Platform
  22. Top 3: Why you should be glad Trump is to rally in Westfield, Ind.
  23. I Literally Can’t Even Today
  24. Trump meets with VP candidates as search for running mate nears end
  25. Obama on Trump Winning: ‘Anything’s Possible’
  26. July 13 – Candidate Clinton’s Visit
  27. Eight years after hope and change, voters are angry, anxious
  28. Democrat Enslavement
  29. Trump plays favorites with RNC delegate seating arrangement
  30. Dems’ division, emails roil party on Day 1 of convention
  31. Clinton’s traditional convention plans disrupted by DNC email scandal
  32. After day of discord, Dems open their convention
  33. Sanders talks unity, but will his followers listen?
  34. After turmoil, Sanders, Mrs. Obama, Warren thrill Democratic convention
  35. Sarah Silverman: Bernie-or-bust Dems ‘being ridiculous’
  36. Hillary Clinton Just Threw Donald Trump Into The Briar Patch
  37. Clinton Campaign: Trump “Recklessly Inviting” Hackers To Attack U.S. “Is A Bridge Too Far”
  38. Bill O’Reilly: Slaves that built White House were ‘well-fed’
  39. The Many Faces of Ted Cruz
  40. Think about the deceit and lies Satan uses to separate us from God’s love
  41. July 22, 2016 Question of the Day
  42. Deception
  43. Watch Out That the Light in You Is Not Darkness
  44. “A bit of detachment”
  45. Isaac Davis: “15 Common Sense Reasons to Free Yourself from Politics”


Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Being and Feeling, Headlines - News, Lifestyle, Political affairs, Religious affairs, Social affairs, Welfare matters