Tag Archives: Immigration policy

Tribes Redux

All over Europe we are feeling the pressure of certain people who think the country belongs to them only, even when their ancestors immigrated to that country which was then willing to receive them and to give them a place to build up a better life. But now their grand- or over-grandchildren do not want to give others such a chance to make something better out of their life.

The far-right (or today also called the Alt-right) becoming stronger in West-Europe and now also spreading like a virus over the United States of America and Canada, should make those who feel more for a democratic system more worried and anxious to take action, for bringing a halt to this fungus which can make our whole nation rotten and a dangerous swamp to live in.

Good that William Hill does not keep his writings private any more.
He likes to start each posting with a quote by someone past or present that speaks to the topic he want to address.Today he starts of with a quote from the young Kenian journalist at Africanews, Euronews and co-host for Ebru News “Aiming at the 4th°. First. Fast. Factual. Final & Future word” who thinks

The world is a sitcom waiting to be written. Start young.

Robert Kodingo who has a news room with French, English African and Nigerian speakers and sends praise from Nigeria (on Periscope TV). Robert Kodingo his quote

“We hate each other by race, color, tribe, wealth, gender etc because everyone wants to feel special and different than the other. I do not however have a solution on how people can stop having an ego that makes them specially superior than the other.”

should make us to see how ego has conquered the capitalist world.

William Hill or Bill his thoughts are sometimes serious and personal, sometimes just humorous, sometimes intentionally provocative (to make the reader assess their own thoughts on the subject and to elicit a comment). He also could see what is going on in Europe.

He also is not blind to notice that loss of old national sovereignty with subservience to Brussels’ bureaucracy might have been a good reason for many to go for a Brexit. {Immigration} He writes

but the largest reason is the huge influx of Middle Eastern and North African immigrants flooding into Europe, financially taxing, particularly the western, northern industrial nations. That, and the fear that embedded among them are terrorists bent on destroying western civilization. {Immigration}

But he suspects there’s a more truthful reason.

“It is interesting…the rhetoric [and] the gathering strength of right wing politics….Everywhere in the West ‘immigration’ [is spoken] in terms of the end of …’culture’, displaying signs of feeling threatened by these ‘others,’ who are portrayed as an invasive force.” ( Himani Bannerji.) {Immigration}


In Europe our states or countries are free to be part of the European Union or to stay out or like Great-Britain has shown, to leave.For a long time our guest-writer Bill espoused his belief that free, open and unencumbered travel and residency should be a right of all peoples, that globally – that right enjoyed by citizens within the United States and the European Union, respectively – should apply to everyone, world-wide. {The Great Wall of Donald}From his writings we may learn that many American Christians seem to be sitting with a very very old idea

if you worked hard enough you could become a rich, influential person. For centuries the only ones who needed to be educated to succeed were the clergy. {Education in America}

From the same article we learn at our surprise that not many Christians from the U.S.A. are holding postgraduate degrees:

Hindus – 48%

Jews – 35%

Buddhists– 26%

Catholics – 10% {Ed. note: we do not know Bill only looks at Roman Catholics, like often many Americans do or at all Catholics}

Protestants – 9%

(Not mentioned were those without a confessed religion. I wonder what percentage they are?)

If you wonder (as I did at first) why Christians are so far behind other religious, I think the answer is cultural.

Buddists and Hindus both share a similiar belief that the soul’s future condition is dependent on the knowledge acquired by the mind in this lifetime, that knowledge becomes understanding of life, and that is the ultimate goal of life. (It would seem that, contrary to Christian teachings that all understanding will be granted to the soul upon death,  Buddists and Hindus believe understaning is not a gift in the next life, rather something to be strove for in this life.)

The Jews for most of their history – at least in Europe – were not allowed to own land (which was the riches of the day) and they had to be ready to leave on a moment’s notice to escape local progoms against them.  Hence an education was portable and enabled them to find work without being tied to one place.  {Education in America}


No wonder than perhaps we can find so many who are carried away so easily by words from some one who knows his rhetoric well. For politicians it is proffered that their folks do not think too much for themselves. Therefore certain countries are trying to give the idea to their inhabitants they are ‘somewhat’ or that they can get a ‘degree’ but that degree does not say much or has not much value opposite the degrees of renowned universities. The Donald Trump University promised to give some money back to those who complained they are ripped off.

It is known that

Males of most species of animals are prone to violence, yet where it is the male that is the primary care-giver and has the greater role in raising the young, it is the females that compete violently with each other. {News that doesn’t sell newspapers}

We could see many republican women who could skin Hilary Clinton alive. But for certain women the other and coloured women may also be a competitor on their market for men. and when they have to see that certain of those women of an other race can climb higher than them it makes it very painful.

Certain politicians playing in on the weak part of their audience made a handy use of the fear the media is creating by lots of people.  As such by the fear mongering in several nations of Europe and different states in the United States, those who found an easy way to point at a target or culprit, proclaiming nationalism, anti-immigrant and religious intolerance.


To remember

  • significant up-tick in the level and number (almost a daily occurrence) of violent confrontations racially + ethnically,
  • US, a nation of immigrants + freedom of religion + who for the last sixty years promoted internationalism by multiple treaties of cooperation in multiple areas

For Bill there is a good tombstone epitaph over the grave of humanity after we destroy ourselves.

“Mine mine mine.
That was the curse and power of human beings — that what they saw and loved they had to have.
They could share it with other people but only if they conceived of those people as being somehow their own.
What we own is ours.
What you own should also be ours.
In fact, you own nothing, if we want it.
Because you are nothing.
We are the real people, you are only posing as people in order to try to deprive us of what God means us to have.”
 ― Orson Scott Card


Preceding articles

Autumn is in the land

Enough with the Clothes Shaming of Muslim Women

American Christians have to think twice before going to vote


Additional reading

  1. Leaving the Old World to find better pastures
  2. Migrants to the West #1
  3. Capitalism and economic policy and Christian survey
  4. The New gulf of migration and seed for far right parties
  5. Our political systems and juggling with human laws
  6. Objective views and not closing eyes for certain sayings


Further reading

  1. Puritans and Pilgrims
  2. “We Are Not Our Grandparents:” Yeah, That’s Pretty Clear
  3. To be an ‘Aryan’
  4. Standing Rock
  5. Ancestors
  6. Ancestral Reverence
  7. The Past
  8. Gifts from our ancestors
  9. Echos of ancestors
  10. Origins
  11. 7 Things Our Ancestors Stockpiled To Survive Winter
  12. Friendship Comes in Small Gestures
  13. Don’t judge from the cover
  14. Let’s clarify! Migration, Immigration, Emigration: the importance of proper definitions.
  15. A Migrant By Any Other Name is an Expat
  16. 260 White Crosses
  17. Jo Cox: victim of ‘Leave’ hate crime.
  18. Immigration to the UK from the European Union hit a record high in the run-up to the Brexit vote
  19. A record number of migrants have arrived in Italy this year by boat
  20. 1,400 migrants rescued in Mediterranean
  21. Italy’s Minister Of Interior (Freemason): Surrender Your Homes To Migrants Or Face Jail
  22. Calais: the State in total hesitation
  23. France and Them: Expats, Migrants, Refugees
  24. Swiss immigration quotas: where do we stand?
  25. VQR 2016 Prize for Photography – Jason Florio ‘Out of the Sea’
  26. Austria News | Asylum-Seekers
  27. Bulgaria News | Asylum-Seekers
  28. A flirting coach is giving refugees dating lessons ‘to help them integrate’
  29. These migrants must be sent back to Africa and Asia. Migrant crisis: Bulgaria orders migrant deportations after riots at camp on Turkey border | World | News | Daily Express
  30. My Issue With “Stopping the Boat People”
  31. Fate of thousands of missing migrant children in Europe still unclear
  32. Merkel says EU and Turkey must stick to migration deal
  33. Child asylum seekers subjected to controversial age tests
  34. A Word To The Criminal Migrant
  35. Recycling means risk of increased crime in Denmark
  36. Erdogan threatens to allow 3m refugees cross into Europe
  37. Erdogan Warns Turkey Could Open Gates for Migrants if Pushed by EU — After EU Stops Talks With Turkey on EU membership
  38. Encounters With Racism, Anti-Semitism, and Bigotry in Germany And Beyond
  39. Video: Racist Attacks!
  40. Punk: Beyoncé Unleashes Formation
  41. The Future President
  42. America once turned its back on Anne Frank, just as Donald Trump rejects Muslim refugees today
  43. Article of the day: American ethnic politics in comparative perspective
  44. Blame Trump on the Rich, Part 4: The KKK and the two Neighborhoods Adjacent 
  45. “But why can’t we have white pride?”
  46. For White Voters, It Was Education, Stupid
  47. Republicans Can’t Be Christians — Sorry!
  48. Bridges – Stepping Forward with Lilka and Andy
  49. Cartoon of the day
  50. Reader letter: Alt-right story ‘refreshing, important’
  51. “Doctor Calls Michelle Obama ‘Monkey Face,’ But Says She’s Not Racist”
  52. Adichie’s “danger of a single story” and the Rise of Post-Truth Trumplandia
  53. 12-2-16
  54. The US once gave amnesty to almost 3 million undocumented migrants. Here’s the economic argument for doing it again
  55. Ladies and Gentlemen. The President of the United States.
  56. He’s Making a List
  57. Monochromacy
  58. Let’s All Get Vulnerable
  59. Sermon Notes – gRace Part 2: Good Fences Make Bad Neighbours
  60. Anti-Semitism in Hungary and Its Spiritual Twin Poland
  61. Honor Diversity
  62. District temporarily pulls classic novels after complaint
  63. Top 10 reasons why it’s hard to talk to some white people about race.
  64. (12/01/2016) No Less GOD’s Creation
  65. Envie de partager ce texte


Quotes and Thoughts

“We hate each other by race, color, tribe, wealth, gender etc because everyone wants to feel special and different than the other. I do not however have a solution on how people can stop having an ego that makes them specially superior than the other.”

― Robert Kodingo

Some nations in Europe, and lately the United States, have been voting for leaders or policies that proclaim  nationalism, anti-immigrant and religious intolerance. There has been a significant up-tick in the level and number – now almost a daily occurrence – of violent confrontations racially and ethnically, without any indication of possible abeyance.

Things I find loathsome and abhorrent. Especially here, in the US, a nation of immigrants and freedom of religion and who for the last sixty years has promoted internationalism by multiple treaties of cooperation in multiple areas. The incoming Trump administration is still in the formative stages and there…

View original post 490 more words


Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Being and Feeling, Crimes & Atrocities, Economical affairs, Headlines - News, Lifestyle, Political affairs, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Social affairs, Welfare matters, World affairs

Symbolic move to scare people away

Because Denmark found it had to need tighter immigration rules Martin Henriksen, immigration spokesman for the populist DPP, used the debate to call for an extension of the border controls that have currently been introduced on a temporary basis.

Copy of “the Independent” cartoon in the article about Human rights groups who also objected to measures delaying family reunifications (2016 January 27)

Do we have to say “After more than ” or “it took only” three hours of debate to have the minority Liberal Party government’s bill adopted by 81 votes to 27, with the support of the opposition Social Democrats and the anti-immigration Danish People’s Party (DPP)? One politician abstained and 70 others were absent.

This shows clearly how the majority of Denmark is feeling about people in need coming to safer places, like Denmark and Germany.

Johanne Schmidt-Nielsen, of the opposition left Red-Green Alliance, argued that the measures taken are

a symbolic move to scare people away.

The United Nations warned the measures would “fuel fear and xenophobia” but Danish politicians claimed they were

“about creating equality between migrants and Danes”.






The tough measures such as confiscating refugees’ valuables to pay for their stay and delaying family reunification to three years, are not worthy for a free democratic state.

Denmark’s prime minister has warned that the 1951 United Nations treaty governing the rights of refugees might need updating. After Sweden imposed identity checks for travellers coming from Denmark, Denmark did the same along its border with Germany. Hungary had already built a razor-wire fence along its border with Croatia. {NYT}

Denmark and all the other European countries can and should take other measures to avoid the influx of refugees to the more wealthy countries of Europe. Last year, a record 21,300 refugees entered Denmark, one of the highest rates per capita in the EU, but Germany has to face more entrants and public opinion is also under pressure in that country.

Nils Muiznieks, the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, wrote to Denmark’s immigration minister to oppose the property seizures.

“I believe that such a measure could amount to an infringement of the human dignity of the persons concerned,”

he said.

The family reunification delays have also been heavily criticised, with Denmark being accused of violating the European Convention on Human Rights.

Jonas Christoffersen, the director of the Danish Institute for Human Rights, told Al Jazeera:

“The right of refugees to be reunited with their family is protected by numerous international conventions ratified by Denmark. We believe the government is overstepping international law by implementing this bill.”

Liberal and left-wing EU parliamentarians criticised the proposed bill and took aim at a new provision in Danish law that would delay family reunification for up to three years for people in need of temporary protection.

“This law … goes completely in the wrong direction,”

Cornelia Ernst, a far-left German politician, said on Monday.

Amnesty International said the country had started a “race to the bottom” as support for refugees continues to wane across Europe.

“To prolong the suffering of vulnerable people who have been ripped apart from their families by conflict or persecution is plain wrong,”

John Dalhuisen, its Europe and Central Asia Director said.

“This is a sad reflection of how far Denmark has strayed from its historic support of international norms enshrined in the Refugee Convention.

“European states must stop this dismal race to the bottom and begin to meet their international obligations, by upholding refugees’ human rights and dignity. Anything less is a betrayal of our common humanity.”

Liberal Party spokesman Jakob Ellemann-Jensen defended their proposition by telling CNN’s Christiane Amanpour last month:

“All Danish citizens and refugees coming here receive universal health care; you receive education from preschool to university, and you receive elderly care; you receive language training and integration training free of charge, paid for by the government.”

The only demand that we set to measure this is if you have the means to pay for your housing and for your food — regardless of whether you are a Dane or whether you are a refugee — then you should.”

Similar laws exist in Switzerland and Germany, according to officials there. Dozens of cases were reported in Switzerland of migrants’ assets being confiscated to fund their living expenses, although in Germany it was unclear if, or how widely, the policy was enforced.

According to CNN many in socially liberal Denmark say they are appalled by the law, which the U.N. Refugee Agency has called

“an affront to (refugees’) dignity and an arbitrary interference with their right to privacy.”

Wiebke Keson, a 72-year-old Danish refugee center volunteer, said she was “shocked” by the notion of confiscating jewelry.

“Since I’m German, I was immediately thinking about our own history,”

she said, voicing a common criticism that the policy echoes Nazi confiscations of Jewish valuables.

The refugee camp in Thisted (Photo the Telegraph)

A Syrian family was stopped by the police at Padborg Station in Denmark, near the German border, en route to Sweden last year. Credit Mauricio Lima for The New York Times


Please do find to read:

A stain of shame for the European Union

Denmark votes in favour for a Discriminatory Nazi law

Denmark approves controversial refugee bill allowing police to seize asylum seekers’ cash and valuables

Danish MPs approve seizing valuables from refugees

Denmark adopts controversial law to seize asylum seekers’ valuables

Denmark approves law on seizing refugees’ valuables and delaying family reunions

Danish Law Requires Asylum Seekers to Hand Over Valuables



Filed under Cartoon, Crimes & Atrocities, Headlines - News, Juridical matters, Political affairs, Video

The World Wide Refugee and Migrant Crisis and a possible solution for it

After Word War II the world got to face an unseen crisis of ongoing wars and people migrating, looking for a safer place, trying to escape the violence.

Greater Middle East

Greater Middle East (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

In case the capitalist and so called civilised countries would have taken action soon enough West Europe would not have to face such an immigration of asylum seekers.
The superpowers waited much to long before to intervene with what was going on in Syria and Iraq.

The West has also too many people who think Islam is the cause of the problem, but they forget that those who misuse the name of Allah are not real Muslims and are not living according to the teachings of the Koran.

Also the Muslims in the Western countries are at fault that most citizens in the West got a wrong perception, because they have waited too long before giving a severe reaction against the rebels and so called Islamic fundamentalists.

First of all the war-zones should have to become stabilised again and all effort should be put in education, giving attention to the most important human values.

Everywhere in the world should be made an effort to get away from the materialistic attitude.

Hard work has to be done to get away from the most widespread and destructive mental disease on earth today and the root cause of most man-made destruction: Greed.


To remember:

  • Worldwide approximately 60 million people on the move today, for economical or political reasons > basically from 3rd world countries
  • trying to reach 1st world countries in the west
  • numbers too much to handle in the West on this scale.
  • 2 main areas of origin of this problem : the Middle East and Africa.
  • Syrian conflict= mayor source of Middle Eastern refugees/migrants
  • if the war would be finished, all the Syrians, Iraqis etc could go home instead of going to a for them alien country with alien cultures (non muslim cultures ).
  • main problem = Assad regime + IS > both will have to go
  • the middle east will have to find their own equilibrium
  • EU would probably be willing to pump enough money into those Albania and Kosovo to accommodate Syrian refugees = a lot cheaper and better than to bring all those people to non-Moslem countries = No assimilation problems
  • Most African countries pretty rich, plenty of resources : oil , diamonds, minerals, metals etc. > biggest problems = corruption greed + cronyism
  • mental developement aid => go a long way
  • real change has to come from within the governments and people living there
  • resettling large numbers of people else where => spread the problem <= they bring their mentality with them.
  • a lot cheaper and easier to pick one African country that has some potential and send them all there and then train them up to a reasonable standard with aid money; the emphasis being on mental development and skills that enable them to have a reasonable existence.
  • most of man-made problems boil down to the same old root cause = way of thinking, namely greed for power and money => responsible for  current conflicts and mass migration the world over ===> unless we tackle this way of thinking, nothing will change.
  • Without greed for power by somebody = no armed conflicts +> power sharing = >  chance to achieve a reasonable existence and life style
  • greed = only learned behaviour => change of thinking = education
  • declare greed for what it is = largest and most widespread and destructive mental disease on earth today and the
    root cause of most man-made destruction.
  • replace greed with mindfull thinking = some consideration for others and our life support system and with that sustainability.


Preceding article

Poster: Please Help The Refugees



Additional articles of interest:

  1. A world with or without religion
  2. Ian Barbour connecting science and religion
  3. Being Religious and Spiritual 1 Immateriality and Spiritual experience
  4. Exceptionalism and Restricting Laws
  5. Patriarch Abraham, Muslims, Christians and the son of God
  6. Prophets making excuses
  7. Sharing a common security and a common set of values
  8. Quran versus older Holy Writings of Divine Creator
  9. Islam says it admires faith based on logic, what about the others
  10. Not true or True Catholicism and True Islam
  11. Why is it that Christians don’t understand Muslims and Muslims do not understand Christians?
  12. Christian fundamentalism as dangerous as Muslim fundamentalism
  13. Fear of God reason to return to Holy Scriptures
  14. Muslims should also Fear God
  15. Cognizance at the doorstep or at the internet socket
  16. Faith related boycotts
  17. Mocking, Agitation and Religious Persecution
  18. Economic crisis danger for the rise of political extremism
  19. Migrants to the West #1
  20. Migrants to the West #2
  21. Migrants to the West #3
  22. Migrants to the West #4
  23. Migrants to the West #5
  24. Migrants to the West #6
  25. Migrants to the West #8 Welbeing
  26. Migrants to the West #10 Religious freedom
  27. Americans wrongly informed about situation in Europe
  28. 2014 Religion
  29. Islamic State forcing the West to provide means for Kurdistan
  30. ISIL will find no safe haven
  31. Funding of ISIS
  32. ISIS cannot be presenters of the real Islam
  33. Rampaging, demolishing sacred sites and cultural heritage
  34. Shariah and child abuse – Is there a connection?
  35. Fitting the bill in the North and in the East
  36. French Muslims under attack
  37. Continues Syrian conflict needing not only dialogue
  38. Can We Pay The Price To Free Humanity?
  39. Are people willing to take the responsibility for others
  40. If Europe fails on the question of refugees, then it won’t be the Europe we wished for
  41. State of Europe 2015 – Addressing Europe’s crises
  42. Schengen area and Freedom for Europeans being put to the test as never before
  43. Europe’s refugees just follow the ancient routes for the peopling of Europe in the Neolithic
  44. Why Russia backs Assad: a view from Russia’s anti-imperialist left
  45. Meeting to focus on humanitarian issues for Syria
  46. Propaganda war and ISIS



Filed under Being and Feeling, Educational affairs, Lifestyle, Political affairs, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Social affairs, Welfare matters, World affairs

Poster: Please Help The Refugees

Europe is facing the worst human migration crisis since World War II.

Full Schengen members (EU member states which ...

Full Schengen members (EU member states which have implemented the Schengen Agreement) Associated Schengen members (non-EU member states which have implemented the Schengen Agreement) EU member states which are bound to implement the Schengen Agreement but who have not done so yet) EU member states outside the Schengen Area (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

A recent Eurobarometer poll suggests that 64 percent of Czechs, 55 percent of Italians, and 46 percent of Britons have a negative attitude towards immigrants from other EU member states. Meanwhile, 85 percent of all EU citizens surveyed agreed that additional measures need to be taken to fight illegal immigration from outside the EU.

The West is always crying they are afraid the refugees would damage their Christian culture, but how many are really willing to show their Christian heart and handling the way Jesus Christ would do?

Please do find related articles on this refugee crisis:

  1. Can We Pay The Price To Free Humanity?
  2. Are people willing to take the responsibility for others
  3. If Europe fails on the question of refugees, then it won’t be the Europe we wished for
  4. State of Europe 2015 – Addressing Europe’s crises
  5. Schengen area and Freedom for Europeans being put to the test as never before
  6. Europe’s refugees just follow the ancient routes for the peopling of Europe in the Neolithic
  7. Why Russia backs Assad: a view from Russia’s anti-imperialist left
  8. Meeting to focus on humanitarian issues for Syria
  9. Propaganda war and ISIS



Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Political affairs, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Social affairs, Welfare matters, World affairs

Vatican meeting of mayors talking about global warming, human trafficking and modern-day slavery

65 mayors and top representatives from some of the world’s most prominent cities — including New York, Paris, Stockholm, and Tehran came to the Vatican, whilst the London major send his cat.

Both Tuesday’s workshop, titled “Modern Slavery and Climate Change: The Commitment of the Cities,” and a Wednesday symposium on “Prosperity, People, and Planet: Achieving Sustainable Development in Our Cities,” will be hosted by the Vatican’s Academies of Sciences and Social Sciences and underwritten by an Italian donor.

The meetings are cosponsored by the United Nations.

Francis told the mayors at a Vatican summit on climate change and human trafficking that he placed great trust in the United Nations to bring about a good agreement.

Pope Francis said he has “a lot of hope” that negotiators at Paris climate talks will reach an ambitious agreement to reduce global warming.

But he also wants U.N. nations to prioritize fighting both human trafficking and the exploitation of the world’s most vulnerable people.

The Vatican is angling to make sure the U.N.’s new Sustainable Development Goals, to be finalized in September, address the problems of human trafficking and modern-day slavery.

Trafficking In Persons Report Map 2010

Trafficking In Persons Report Map 2010 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

English: (Green) Italy. (Light-green) The Euro...

(Green) Italy. (Light-green) The European Union (EU). (Grey) Europe. (Light-grey) The surrounding region. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio did express his discontentment concerning the European Union leaving Italy in the cold. That country can impossibly deal on its own with waves of immigrants coming from North Africa. The EU must come up with a Europe-wide immigration policy.

De Blasio, whose grandparents emigrated from Italy to New York, said he was

“deeply troubled by the lack of action by the European Union and the way that Italy has been left to fend for itself very unfairly.”

The African-American Birmingham Mayor William Bell had a very personal reason for being at the Vatican’s conference on climate change and human slavery.

Today, he told his fellow mayors from around the world:

“At the time of my birth, I was born into a society in Birmingham, Alabama, that existed as a close cousin of slavery called segregation.”

and continued:

“Segregation was designed to exploit individuals and groups based on race and race alone. It was for the economic purpose of cheap labour. It was to control society. It was to control human beings.”


Filed under Ecological affairs, Economical affairs, Social affairs, World affairs