Tag Archives: Homo sapiens

The Anthropologist in you

In this world we are part of creation and went looking for ways to look at creation and creatures.

A phylogenetic tree of living things.

A phylogenetic tree of living things. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

We as human beings went looking for ways to understand our fellow human beings and see how they evolved and what makes them to behave in certain ways. Certain of our species liked or like to study the aspects ranging from the biology and evolutionary history of Homo sapiens to the features of society and culture that decisively distinguish humans from other animal species. Because of the diverse subject matter it encompasses, such study, being called anthropology,  in consonance with the etymology of its name, “study of man,” is the most comprehensive of the academic disciplines dealing with mankind.

In a sense every man can be an anthropologist, if a very humanistic and generous interpretation is accepted.

This is to say that every human being is related to others and has a unique way of life. However, a more generally accepted interpretation in academia is that an anthropologist is one who has attained a Ph.D. in anthropology, teaches anthropology or carries out anthropological field research, and has published literature in a field of anthropology in a peer-reviewed journal, or is widely accepted by other anthropologists as an anthropologist. {Wikipedia}

Diverse areas as language, social structure, aesthetic expression, and belief systems, can be tackled. For that reason it is interesting for us to have such an interested soul, willing to share ideas about the sciences of man which treats man both in his physical and sociocultural aspects. In addition to these fundamental biological and social scientific components, anthropology has a significant humanistic aspect, as shown, for example, in its empathetic search for the bases of aesthetic valuation in the arts of alien people.

Those who are able to study man, according to our opinion, should not keep all that knowledge to themselves. We hope we can find some one who is willing to share his or her knowledge with us and our readers. For the very richness and variety of interests of such field, lead inevitably to bringing people closer together and to understanding different cultures and religions. Such an understanding can only bring more wisdom and acceptance of such other ideas, cultures and religions and taking away the tension which may exist between the different thoughts.

We would love to find a person who is willing to become a contributor to this platform where we want to show the beauty of creation, i.e. the beauty of nature and of species, being the plants, animals and human species with their different cultures which are sprinkled with creativity and richness that can enrich us all.

1: 1=Homo sapiens 2=Neanderthals 3=Early Homin...

1: 1=Homo sapiens 2=Neanderthals 3=Early Hominids Français : 1: 1=Homo sapiens 2=Néandertaliens 3=Premiers hominidés (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

We not only can do with an anthropologist, also a historian would be very welcome. Only be getting to know other people, also knowing what happened in the past, what went wrong or how things could be solved can we learn how to tackle the matters in the right way, in our present times. In order to recover the basic facts concerning past societies in regions and for periods in which the written records that constitute the basic materials of conventional historians are lacking, the skills of archaeology combined with other inferential methods, such as the use of oral traditions, ethnological trait distributions, and comparative linguistics, we can come to more insight. And such better insight shall help us to help others to come to terms with what happens around us or to find ways to help solve many problems we are confronted with.

When more people can have more interest in human ethnic diversity, biology and evolution of humanity we can more easily grow to a more peaceful society.

Can you not be that person who wants to help others grow in knowledge and in better understanding of other people?

Please do have the guts to help others to see more and to bring more insight in how humankind is a diversity which is so rich we all can profit.

Present yourself as a contributor and do not hesitate to become an author on this platform.


Preceding articles about “Sharing Writings and linking“:

A charter for a truly free world and why we need it

Showing the beauties of nature



Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Announcement, Cultural affairs, History, Knowledge & Wisdom, Lifestyle, Political affairs, Social affairs, Welfare matters, World affairs