Tag Archives: Freeman

You might be an extrimist if …

Each person is responsible for his or her own choice. We all have to check how we and others behave and relate it to the reality of life.

We all should allow others the same freedom we want ourselves, this in the understanding that the freedom is respecting the freedom of the other.

In life we always shall encounter others with a different idea than ours. We always shall meet others who have other opinions, other tastes, other lifestyle, and we should respect their way of living like they also should accept our way of living, as long as that way of living does not disturb the other.

Somehow we always shall have to find a consensus in life, trying to reach to an agreement so that each person can have his or her relative freedom outdoors in public, but full freedom in their own home, between the four walls of the living quarters.

What do Religious fundamentalists (Islamic, Christian, etc.), White Nationalists (or Black Nationalists, or Hispanic Nationalists, etc.), Sovereign Citizens, Anarchists, Libertarians, Constitutionalists, and “Conspiracy Theorists” all have in common?

They all have strong ideologies or opinions that in some form or fashion create competition and opposition to the dominant power structure and the elite that control it. These are ideologies that supersede the allegiance to the State in the minds and hearts of those individuals who subscribe to them. These are ideologies that if left alone, threaten the power monopoly of the State, which is why the State will either seek to infiltrate and “co-opt” them, so as to use them for its own purposes, or it will seek to destroy them.


To remember

  • Religious fundamentalism = strict adherence to particular religion + its doctrine
  • violent Islamic extremism (typically government enabled and funded) = used to de-stabilize various regions resistant to Globalism => goal = to be absorbed into a Corporate Global Monoculture based in consumerism + debt slavery.
  • Nationalism, gaining steam in Europe = belief that state, acting as an extension of a particular culture, tribe, folk, or race needs to remain sovereign + maintain ability for self-determination, free of influence or pressure from outside nations or groups.
  • Factions of Power Elite used Nationalism to their advantage in the past
  • Sovereign Citizens or “Freeman” essentially reject notion that State has any legitimate authority over their lives.
  • Anarchists = similar ideology to Sovereign Citizens = do not believe in the legitimacy of the State or government at all whatsoever + not believe that any group or individual has the right do declare itself as an authority over another.
  • Anarchists believe = any imposition upon an individual’s free will (including taxation and imprisonment) that isn’t self-defense is immoral and illegitimate.
  • Anarchy =/= “without rules”=> = “without rulers
  • Libertarianism ~=~ “Anarchy Lite”.
  • Libertarians = many of same beliefs as Anarchists + believe in some form of severely limited representative government + anti-imperialism.
  • Libertarians often identify as “fiscally conservative” but “socially liberal” + “pro-choice
  • Constitutionalists = similar to Libertarians in ideology +> specifically hold allegiance to Bill of Rights + (U.S.) Constitution. >>> many Constitutionalists = conservative Christian + “pro-life
  • Constitutionalists reject idea that Constitution is a “living document” open to free interpretation that changes with the times.
  • Conspiracy Theorists” = blanket term used to apply to pretty much anyone that believes that governments lie or that small groups of people meet in secret + make plans.
  • “Conspiracy Theorists” run gamut as far as areas of focus, from false-flag terrorism to U.F.O. cover-ups, nearly all of them point to secrecy, deception + outright lawless actions being perpetrated by the State in the past or in the present.
  • “Conspiracy Theorists”=~=  “belief in a New World Order conspiracy” = nothing more + nothing less than logical end-result of Trans-National Corporate Globalism.
  • feudal lords” sit in offshore tax havens + fortified compounds = sit atop this “pyramid”
  • Judeo-Zionist, Anglo-American + European elites primarily drive New World Order = comprehensive system of dominance in financial, corporate, and government spheres where the most ruthless rise to the top => system tailor-made for psychopaths = cooperation in the manner of a group of cartels.
  • New World Order” = Global Corporate Mega-State.
  • => governments aren’t afraid of terrorism = Governments have used terrorism for quite some time to advance their own power.
  • State seeks to establish itself as God (although it will never say that) + wants you to look to it for life + sustenance + safety + security => State = provider, parent + master.
  • State wants “poor and oppressed” to look to it for hope, opportunity, + charity = will give in exchange for loyalty + elimination of its enemies. The State must crush any + all competition + must silence any + all dissent or ridicule + will choose what words + language is appropriate + will decide what technology you can + can’t have.
  • State wants you to consume more and more + to be self-absorbed + apathetic +wants you to care about frivolous things + obsess over mindless entertainment + wants you to believe you can only be what it says you can be.
  • State wants you to believe everything its “experts” + media pundits tell you = State dictate your reality.


  • At the end of the day > “extremist” = anyone who does not agree with legitimacy of the power monopoly of the State + its attempt to dictate reality.
  • Humanity = at a fork in the road => time coming where we will all have to make “hard choice” = Honest, sincere, conscious action will be required of us.


Ex·trem·ist (n):
Somebody who holds extreme or radical political or religious beliefs;
(adj): involving, typical of, or motivated by extreme opinions, especially in politics or religion.

Rad·i·cal (adj):
Favoring or making economic, political, or social changes of a sweeping or extreme nature.

Ter·ror·ist (n):
Somebody who uses violence or the threat of violence, especially bombing, kidnapping, and assassination, to intimidate, often for political purposes.

The above listed terms and their definitions are ones that we as Americans, as well as people in Western nations in general, have become all too familiar with. Here in the States, the “War on Terror” has officially gone on for over 14 years now, and shows no sign of stopping. As myself and many others have previously stated, it is not something that is ever meant to end, as it enriches the Military Industrial Complex both in military operations abroad, as well as…

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