Tag Archives: Expectation of obtaining


Every nation has to be build on hope. Every person has to grow by having hopes, aspirations, many dreams, but also by being strong enough to become not disillusioned as soon as the slightest thing goes wrong. Real hope is there where there is a cherisher who wants to cherish a desire of fulfilment, having confidence in the possibility of fulfilment.
When we are willing to trust ourselves in our capabilities to handle the expectation of obtaining what we are dreaming of, we are on the good way.


To remember:

  • holding on to, to prevent from getting hurt
  • hope we might achieve our goals
  • constant force > motivating
  • aiming for the stars
  • sense of false belief > control a particular situation
  • believe that can happen
  • to make a difference
  • string of thread that keeps the cloth from tearing
  • change course of lives
  • living in a make believe + happy ending


  • Hope in the dark (treebeardgarden.wordpress.com)
    We wake / With hope in our hearts / We live / With hope in our minds
  • Myanmar Opposition Leader Aung Sang Suu Kyi to Visit China (thediplomat.com)
    Suu Kyi, the chairperson of the NLD, famously spent the better part of 20 years under house arrest after the government refused to recognize her party’s successes in the 1990 general election. Suu Kyi was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize “for her non-violent struggle for democracy and human rights” in 1991, but remained under house arrest until 2010, when the Myanmar government released her as part of a general reform effort that promised greater respect  for human rights.

A Random Nobody

Hope; something that humans hold on to, to prevent themselves from getting hurt. It is like a ray of sunshine on a dark, cloudy day or like a breath of fresh air after a day of scorching heat. The hope that we might achieve our goals or the hope of a miracle is the constant force that motivates us to put in our heart and soul in the given project and aim for the stars.
We don’t really have any power over time or destiny and hope is the only thing that gives us a sense of false belief; that we can actually control a particular situation and that the odds might be in our favour.
Our decision making ability is overshadowed by hope, and we are ready to believe that anything can happen at any point of time. Hope is basically like the last weapon which a warrior uses…

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