Iran’s attacks are heightening fears of a wider Middle East war

The Telegraph, January 18, 2024


Tit-for-tat cross-border exchanges between Pakistan and Iran this week marked the latest escalation in the Middle East, a region already dangerously on edge as a result of Israel’s war with Hamas. The fallout from the terror group’s Oct 7 attacks and Israel’s military response has spiked tensions in a range of simmering flashpoints involving Israel’s arch-foe Iran, leading diplomats to fear a wider conflict may yet erupt. Those concerns were heightened in recent days when Iran began to flex its military muscles, attacking targets in a string of other countries. Iran has launched missile attacks on “spy headquarters” and “terrorist” targets in Syria and Iraq’s autonomous Kurdistan region, where it claimed to hit Israeli espionage headquarters. Then Tehran hit what it said were Sunni militants hiding within Pakistan. Tehran anticipates tensions with its number one enemy, Israel, are “going to increase” this year with the Israel-Hamas war set to drag on, said Sanam Vakil, a director with the Chatham House think tank.


This week Iran launched missile strikes on three different countries – Iraq, Syria and Pakistan. Also its proxy militant groups (Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis) continue to target U.S. and Western interests and fight Israel. Iran’s attack on Syria was against ISIS militants in response to scores of people killed at a commemoration service in Iran last week. Iran’s attack on Iraq was said to be against Israeli spy sites. Iran’s attack on Pakistan was against a group that killed some Iranian security forces. All the attacks were using long range accurate missiles. It is probable that all this is to demonstrate to Israel that Iran is able to attack where and when it wants to. Isaiah 13 speaks of the Medes (Iranians) being stirred up and used the bows (missiles) to dash men to pieces.

Bible quote

Behold, I will stir up the Medes against them, which shall not regard silver; and as for gold, they shall not delight in it.  Their bows also shall dash the young men to pieces; and they shall have no pity on the fruit of the womb; their eye shall not spare children. (Isaiah 13:17-18)

Isaiah 13 has a latter day fulfilment. It is not only about ancient Iraq and ancient Iran – it is also about modern times.

Weekly World Watch, Andy Walton


Find also to read

  1. The Fall of Kabul: The Return of the Taliban
  2. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia-Iran Treaty – A Flash for “Better Times”?
  3. A treacherous geopolitical outlook for President Joe Biden
  4. Latin America, Israel, Rafah city, Gaza Strip, Pakistan, Sudan, food shortage, homicide, and sexual violence
  5. Britain and US launch airstrikes on Houthi targets

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