time is running out

At the beginning of our life time may seem endless long, but by becoming older it seems to go faster and faster. So many times we wonder what we have accomplished in life and have the impression we are still nowhere, though we have already passed half a century. And when we are retired we still want to do so much, but do not seem to have time enough.
The clock ticks further and for some louder, whilst for others (like me) it becomes more quiet, but having the sun giving us enough energy to pass the time and having us to enjoy the time as long as it can.

Take the time in your hand; give time your energy and let your thoughts inspire others, with the knowledge we all walk the path of life, sun, moon and stars allowing days to come, even in the time we do not let the clocks arrange our life.


Read also

  1. First man’s task still counting today
  2. If Today Was Your Last Day On Earth?
  3. Who is considered Old
  4. Ageing and Solidarity between generations
  5. To Work Longer or Die Younger


Additional reading

  1. To create a great journey
  2. Cognizance at the doorstep or at the internet socket
  3. You shall howl in your latter end
  4. Leap



  1. When you walk the path of life…
  2. The Path
  3. Light unto my path of life
  4. I’ve Become My Dad
  5. You Are Exactly Where You Are Right Now, Because That’s Where You’re Supposed to Be
  6. Verse of the DayLife [A Quote]
  7. There is danger when you put your mind on riches.Where You’re At


Life clock ticks
Makes me the sicks

What have I accomplished?
I have only been auto-punished

I see the clock
I feel like I have in my head a big rock

Time is running out
I just hope I find my life inner scout

Stay Frosty gents and gentesses.

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Health affairs, Lifestyle, Poetry - Poems, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Welfare matters