Bits and Bobbs, of a beautiful Autumn

km Salvatore from Western New York lives on the Erie Canal where there’s always something going on, in any number of the towns scattered along the water way. He also lives between 2 Great Lakes where also there’s always something to shoot.

The park and the wall on his photo’s reminds us of the park in Tervuren near Brussels.

In his surroundings he knew to capture the vivid life Autumn also can bring.


Preceding: Autumn is in the land



DSC_8257 can ya just hear the leaves crinkling

DSC_8264 it was such an awesome day, i cant remember the last time i stayed in the park so long…good thing there were plenty of benches

DSC_8267 in front of the conservatory

DSC_8269 magnificent colors all over

DSC_8270 made me think spring was here

DSC_8273 chestnuts galore

DSC_8276 im sneaking into the sunken garden

DSC_8280 usually wedding take place here, and they have posted, no one is allowed to taks pictures with out …paying a fee..yeah right!!!!

DSC_8281 ok… going in

DSC_8283 i know a short cut..

DSC_8284 here we go im almost inside

DSC_8285 good,no one is shooting anything special

DSC_8287 theres the main entrance… where one would pay…

DSC_8295 can you imagine your wedding here… it must be beautiful, almost fairy taleish

DSC_8297 i loved walking through here


take a walk with me take a walk with me

DSC_8303 gotta kick those leaves

DSC_8300 well that was my little tour, that i DID NOT pay for!!!

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Filed under Nature, Pictures of the World, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs

2 responses to “Bits and Bobbs, of a beautiful Autumn

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