How to Raise a Happy Child

Living together demands respect for each other and willingness to offer each other time to develop, to have some time for the self, but also to share thoughts and several moments of togetherness and feeling of unity per day.

Today to many families have to face falling apart because not enough time is spent for each other, and too many are to much involved in their own ego and receiving, instead of willing to give to the other.

We all should spend more time in the willingness to share and consider that it is better to live and let live without harassing or embarrassing others to make one feel good and happier by putting others down.

A Little Happiness

A Little Happiness (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

For a peaceful, contentment, with calm, inner good feeling we should allow our body speak properly and not hide things for each other. We should not mind expressing ourselves with smiles, joy, laughter and dancing.

Whatever happiness translates into in personal context this happiness should be shared with those around us.

A family can find happiness when its members are willing to see the beauty in everything, including fragrance in roses not just thorns, respecting each-others differences.  Consideration is required to careful take note of the measures taken to enjoy happiness. One’s happiness is inclusive of other’s happiness, so policies on world happiness well-being measures involve primary life evaluations of all people on earth.


To remember:

most important contributor  = doing things as a family

setting expectations and clear rules, but not having too high expectations

working together

encouraging a feeling of camaraderie and a sense of being part of the team

feeling to be in this together > One for all and all for one.

feeling loved and giving love giving recognition for jobs done > Pats on the back from parents and “I love yous”

living in the present, not bringing back bad things that happened in the past

getting along and being respectful of each other = no screaming matches, no name-calling, no constant criticisms


Preceding articles:

Families with four or more kids most happiest

Family happiness and little things we do


Doris Wild Helmering

Lots of tools for raising a healthy, happy child. Family time is important.
Are your children happy?

Even though happiness is genetically linked, only about 50 percent of happiness is driven by genes. The other 50 percent is driven by what happens to a child on a daily basis.

One of the most important contributors to a child’s happiness is doing things as a family. Nothing feels so good as when a family goes biking, hiking or spends part of the day at the zoo.

I know one family who has designated Wednesday nights as family night. This is the night nothing interferes. They have dinner and then play board games. Even the 17-year old participates. “Once you set a night and stick to it month after month, year after year, it becomes the expectation,” says the mother, “and our children look forward to it.”

Another happiness ingredient is working…

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Social affairs, Welfare matters