Tag Archives: Yasir Arafat

No Longer ‘Hidden Victims,’ Children Are Dying as Virus Surges in Indonesia


Dewayne-Net Archives

No Longer ‘Hidden Victims,’ Children Are Dying as Virus Surges in Indonesia
Hundreds have died from Covid-19 in recent weeks, many of them under the age of 5. National leaders face mounting criticism that they have been unprepared.
By Richard C. Paddock and Muktita Suhartono
Jul 31 2021

Hundreds of children in Indonesia have died from the coronavirus in recent weeks, many of them under age 5, a mortality rate greater than that of any other country and one that challenges the idea that children face minimal risk from Covid-19, doctors say.

The deaths, more than 100 a week this month, have come as Indonesia confronts its biggest surge yet in coronavirus cases over all — and as its leaders face mounting criticism that they have been unprepared and slow to act.

“Our numbers are the highest in the world,” the head of the Indonesian Pediatric Society, Dr. Aman…

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