Tag Archives: Western problems

Somali women in the Somali society

It is not bad to read a view from someone living in Mogadishu, Somalia, about Somali women and widespread myths about women in Somalia.



Extra reading material about Somalia

  1. 25-top-facts about Eastern-African-countries
  2. Somalia military kills 50 al-Shabaab terrorists in separate operations
  3. U.S. Military Conducts a Drone Strike Against Shabab Fighters in Somalia
  4. US carries out first airstrike in Somalia since Biden took office
  5. Somalia and Ireland discuss security support and partnership
  6. Somalia postpones long-delayed election
  7. COVID19 – Daily updates from #Africa and for Africa
  8. Jubbaland announces its first four senators to Somali Parliament
  9. Book Review and Blog Tour: The Last Nomad, by Shugri Said Salh
  10. DN!: Ilhan Omar on Eviction Moratorium and her book ‘This is What America Looks Like’
  11. The Last Nomad by Shugri Said Salh
  12. Kids Read: Somalia
  13. UK-Kenya Defence Cooperation Agreement raises eyebrows in Somalia
  14. Kidnappings in Kenya, Al-Shabab & What Needs To Be Done
  15. Bomb blast kills 4 footballers in Somalia
  16. 4 footballers dies in Somalia bomb explosions
  17. 08/02/21 Antiwar: Biden Administration Escalates Airstrikes in Somalia
  18. Joe Biden Keeps Bombing Somalia
  19. Focus on Refugees: Ifrah Ahmed- Somali Refugee Turned Infuencial Social Activist
  20. Is Ethiopia hurtling towards all-out ethnic conflict?”

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