Tag Archives: Virtual hugs

My ancient times

a black woman's tales

Do you remember life before the internet?

I can’t remember life before the internet but I can remember the internet without me.

Growing up in a community where it was regarded abominable for a child to hold a phone certainly left the internet no choice but to make due without my presence. I still remember it like it was yesterday.

“Go out and play,” my dad would say after a long morning of chores and heavy lunch when the sun was at it’s highest. We would run out to play “kwepena” and skipping rope as my brothers could be seen at a distance playing ‘dool.’

I remember days that didn’t start with notifications from different socials fighting for my attention but rather a full day planned out with friends and family that never required airtime or data just to say hi.

I miss the days before one’s self esteem had…

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