Tag Archives: Time for reflection

Wintertime for our mind to take some rest

Most animals are smarter than humans. Many animals hibernate and leave the rest of the year for what it was.
We are not going to let ourselves be done by the slippery roads and want to cost laundry anyway in the winter cold to earn our pennies.

We’d better use these dark days to think about what has already happened and how we’re going to do it. It is a time of reflection but also of awareness of our nullity and the overwhelming nature, which in any case determines our rhythm of life.

Day by day we can wake up every time and see that we are still alive. Today may be our last day. We may not even wake up tomorrow. And after tomorrow there will be another day. Every time we will have to get up again and move on, towards the day.

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Welfare matters