Tag Archives: Speculation

Truth is not a Philosophical discussion

For many Truth is something very difficult.

Many prefer to wallow in human wishful thinking or imaginings. The biblical truth frightens most people, especially that there is an elusive invisible God who knows everything and is able to do everything. With that, many prefer to take on other gods whereby the Nazarene may claim to have the most worshippers among the false gods. Many who call themselves Christians do not want to accept his words or those of his heavenly Father that he is the son of man and the beloved son of the one true God. Lots of people have made him into their god and live by the many false teachings of human beings instead by living according to the Biblical Truth.



Realisation is earth shattering

BUDDHA IN THE MUD is a blog - a living book based on the Dzogchen teachings. Our teacher is life, and life is karma. We are all Buddhas in the mud of concepts.


Truth is not a philosophical discussion. Philosophy is for those who don’t know or don’t want to know, as knowing means our view of life will totally change. In discovering absolute truth, we realise what is important and what isn’t, and we can’t go back to being carried away with whatever others do or say. Speculation creates doubt.

When we verify absolute truth, we can no longer cause harm to others. The cause of terror in the world starts with an subtle idea, as in Animal Farm – “Two legs bad, four legs good”, and then, “Four legs good, two legs better”.

Truth is direct experience, before words or feelings are used to describe it. It is the spontaneous cool/raw experience of consciousness. Pure consciousness is our starting point; it’s the moment when a surgeon opens up a body to see what’s going on…

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Filed under Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs