Tag Archives: Soft flour

Pizza and pasta hallmarks of Italian cuisine

Pizza and pasta may be hallmarks of Italian cuisine, but they are also longtime favourites in the U.S., regularly topping the list of Americans’ favourite dishes. Many people say that a slice of fresh pizza is the perfect food. But others say nothing beats all the different shapes and flavours of pasta.

It is certain, in any case, that both dishes leave people short of vegetables. But then pasta meals are usually preceded by the anti-psasta where vegetables do manage to tempt people’s heavenly tongues.

Real pasta must always be made from durum or hard flour. In France and Italy, it is even forbidden to make pasta from soft flour. This is even considered fraudulent there. So look out for it in Dutch shops where a lot of “fake” or “inadmissible pasta” is on offer. To find the better pasta, it is also best to choose the one that has gone through bronze moulds (al bronzo) making it rougher, so that the sauce sticks more and becomes one with the spaghetti.

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