Tag Archives: Revelation 17:12-14

Germany backs EU proposals for Russian oil ban

The Times, May 3, 2022


The European Union is moving towards a ban on Russian oil by the end of the year amid divisions over the speed of phasing out imports and the impact of the embargo on the cost of living in the West. EU energy ministers held emergency talks in Brussels yesterday before European Commission proposals on new sanctions that are expected over the next 48 hours. In a significant U-turn, Germany is backing the planned oil ban, but there are still difficulties, particularly for small, landlocked central European countries dependent on crude oil supplies from Russia. The German energy ministry hopes to achieve “total” independence from Russian oil within weeks, chiefly by importing more through Rostock in northeast Germany and the Polish port of Gdansk.


Europe is switching off Russian oil and gas as soon as it possibly can. When this happens it will be an enormous blow to Putin as 37% of its total trade comes from the EU. 40% of Russia’s total revenue comes from oil and gas. Without the flow of this money Russia would quickly go bankrupt. One country the EU is looking to to replace oil and gas is Israel! There is already a pipeline planned from Israel to the EU. Putin will see this as Israel taking his lost income and decide to take it back – hence coming to Israel to take a spoil. Germany (lead nation in the EU) is heavily dependent on Russian oil and gas. It is planning to stop all oil trade with Russia by the end of the year. Germany has also just begun building its first terminal for importing liquefied natural gas from the US and the Middle East. Germany is not part of the Gogian invasion of Israel. Germany invades Israel after Christ has returned and the saints have been judged…

And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.  These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.  These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: (Revelation 17:12-14)

Andy Walton,

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Ukraine war is veering fast towards a big power conflict

Sanctions are crippling the economy of ‘Fortress Russia’

EU to snatch Kremlin’s oil and gas profits to rebuild Ukraine

As Europe Sends $300 Million per day to Russia for Oil and NatGas, TotalEnergies Looks After Customers in Tricky Decision


Additional reading

  1. A useless but very dangerous challenge game
  2. Russia invades Ukraine: A dark day for Europe
  3. The first week of February 2022
  4. Screws turned on Vladimir Putin & Russian oil and gas industry
  5. Northern Hemisphere time of Spring & War in Ukraine
  6. The Guardian’s view on Ukraine for the second half of April 2022
  7. The Telegraph’s Weekly view 2022 April 30 – May 6
  8. The Week from 01-07 May 2022 according to The Week
  9. G7 agreed to ban or phase out Russian oil and gas imports
  10. Stories to read in the week of 2022 May 05-11
  11. Signs of the Times – “Distress of nations …”
  12. Will the Russian War in Ukraine reset World diplomacy?
  13. Ukraine war is veering fast towards a big power conflict
  14. Ukraine Crisis Reading List
  15. EU must fight in the diplomatic and economic frontline
  16. President of Ukraine met with the Speakers of the Parliaments of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia who arrived in Kyiv
  17. Can turning down our radiators turn up the heat on Putin?
  18. Trade surpluses vs Most sweeping set of sanctions ever aimed at a country since World War 2



  1. Ukraine Situation Report: 1300 10 March 22
  2. The Russian invasion: what happened, and what happens next?
  3. Russia, The US, and Crude Data
  4. Russia is cutting off gas supplies to Poland and Bulgaria
  5. Russia’s retaliation on gas raises stakes for U.S.
  6. Europe announces ban on Russian oil imports
  7. A problematic oil embargo against Russia
  8. Biden to ban Russian oil imports over Ukraine war
  9. 01/31/22 Antiwar: NATO ‘Concerned’ About Europe’s Reliance on Russian Gas
  10. Cutting off Russian gas is going to cost the EU, here’s why
  11. Gas shortages expected in Europe as Russia imposes sanctions, Ukraine halts flow
  12. Banning Russia oil would hit US prices hard
  13. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov says efforts to isolate Russia ‘are doomed’
  14. Are sanctions on Russia failing?
  15. The Russia-Ukraine War and the fate of Financial & Foreign Assets!
  16. US and EU officially begins to sanction the Russian Federation after invading Ukraine
  17. Treasury Secretary Yellen says the U.S. is ‘unlikely’ to let Moscow continue making debt payments, forcing Russia into default
  18. U.S. Eyeing Russian Energy Sanctions Over Ukraine War, Officials Say
  19. U.S. may take a hugely controversial step to stop Russian oil exports funding the war in Ukraine
  20. Energy watchdog prescribes a miserable return to the 1970s to solve the oil crisis: car-free Sundays and crawling speed limits
  21. Russian Gas – Illegal Drugs
  22. Vladimir Putin demands Russian gas be paid for in roubles
  23. 04/06/22 Antiwar: Breaking With EU, Hungary’s Orban Says He Would Pay for Russian Gas in Rubles
  24. Putin’s Ruble Standoff With Europe Risks De Facto Gas Embargo
  25. New Sanctions on Russia Could Trigger a Default That Will Be Felt Across the Global Economy
  26. Cost of living crisis exacerbates Europe’s quest for consensus over Russian oil embargo
  27. EU: VI Russia sanctions package blocked
  28. Oil price up as EU gets set to ban Russian crude
  29. Shell is already backtracking on its boycott of Russian oil
  30. Ukraine’s Zelensky says EU should ban Russian oil
  31. WTI regains $111.00 on surprise API inventory draw, fears of EU’s Russian oil embargo
  32. U.S. reaches out to Venezuela amid possible Russia oil embargo
  33. NC elected officials support oil-import ban against Russia
  34. EU proposes Russian oil ban as Ukraine loses contact with soldiers in Azovstal steelworks
  35. Floating liabilities: Western authorities grapple with the cost of seizing oligarchs’ superyachts
  36. Most Americans are willing to pay more at the pump for Ukraine

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