Tag Archives: Point of no return

Summer or Autumn-time in September or in Lifetime

At the moment I am in the Ardeche-Lozère region enjoying my Summer holiday with long walks but also feeling that at a certain age we have come in the autumn of our life, not so able any more to climb the rocks. One moment, the day before yesterday, we were pleased the climbing cables were already provided on the rocks. But with our 13 year old Sheltie it was not such an easy thing to hold him in one hand using the other to keep me safe close to the steep cliff, facing 400 metres down. Much too dangerous at our age.

Sometimes we love to stay young, and it may be hard to feel we are not able any more to do those things we could do some twenty or forty years ago. We are confronted with autumn in life, no matter we want to stay in the Summer.

Suzette B lets us think about the yearly returning seasons and reflects on the beauty of autumn. For some it might be one of the most attractive colourful seasons of the year. For Lauren Destafano autumn has always been her favourite season, whilst for Suzette B fall has a lot to offer, but she sometimes finds that dull days of fall and the looming days of night (aka winter) tends to give the fall season seemingly less favour than the other seasons.

Suzette B writes:

It champions the journey of life.

It celebrates the color of change.

It announces the bounty of the harvest. It reminds us that life has promise – hope.

No matter how much we would love to resist, we shall have to face that particular moment in our life, before the winter part or end part of our life shall come to us.

Perhaps she has good reason to say:

It symbolizes courage. It takes courage to say “goodbye” to one thing and not know what is to come.

But often it is not so easy to say goodbye to the things one loves and one loves to do. With the seasons of the yearly calendar one knows the Summer will come back? With life, we know there is no way back. The new season is the point of no return.


Fall is a reminder that one journey has come and gone. Another begins.

All people who have to face the days, after the hands of the clock have gone over half or over 6, I wish happy remembrance days. Taking the courage to come to see the better parts we were lucky to have had, and nobody can take them away. Let it be the point where we can enjoy now a new journey in life with beautiful colours of autumn. The golden leaves of our years of the past.

Like Suzette B I would say:

To new beginnings everyone.

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