Tag Archives: Palestinian people

Putin affirms ‘unwavering support for the Palestinians’

Israel National News, July 2, 2023


Palestinian Authority (PA) chairman Mahmoud Abbas and Russian President Vladimir Putin held a phone conversation on Saturday (July 1), discussing the latest developments and ways to boost bilateral ties, the Xinhua news agency reported. During the phone call, Putin extended Eid al-Adha greetings and wishes to Abbas and the Palestinian people, the report said.

Being briefed on the latest developments of the Palestinian ArabIsraeli conflict, Putin affirmed Russia‘s

“unwavering support for the Palestinian people in achieving their aspirations for freedom and independence by establishing an independent state with East Jerusalem as its capital.”

Abbas, for his part, expressed his keenness to restore stability to Russia and wished the country further progress and prosperity. Putin has in the past expressed a desire to host an Israeli-Palestinian Arab summit to revive the stalled peace talks between the sides, but nothing has materialized yet in this regard.


Mahmoud Abbas the Palestinian Authority chairman has regular meetings with Putin. Last October he met Putin urging Russia to take an active role in resolving the conflict with Israel. He told Putin he mistrusted Washington and wanted Putin to take a greater lead in negotiations.

Abbas said he was “completely satisfied” with Russia’s position towards the Palestinian Arab people. This week they have spoken again and once more Putin has said the Palestinians have his full backing and that he sees east Jerusalem as becoming a future capital for them. In Ezekiel 38 we read that

“after many day thou [Gog] shall be visited.”

The word ”visited” means

“sought after, needed, required.”

Putin has been visited and is being sought after to get involved with Israel….

Bible Quote

After many days thou [Gog] shalt be visited: in the latter years thou shalt come into the land that is brought back from the sword, and is gathered out of many people, against the mountains of Israel, which have been always waste: but it is brought forth out of the nations, and they shall dwell safely all of them.  (Ezekiel 38:8)

Andy Walton

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The corpus separatum and Mahmoud Abbas

At UN, Abbas Gives Israel One-year Ultimatum


Additional reading

  1. Palestine 1787-1917-2006 – Maps and Christian population
  2. Former president says American Jews are ungrateful for all he has done for Jewish state
  3. European Eye on Radicalization: How An Opposition Victory Could Affect Turkey’s Relations with Non-State Actors in the Middle East
  4. Signs of the times – “Gaza – once more a flashpoint”


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