Tag Archives: Meat consumption

Coming days to indulge in good food

Every day we get up and are confronted by the fact we have to eat something sometime. All year we have moments that we think about eating, looking at and for food for our wellbeing. Though we must admit, sometimes we eat more than we really need.

As we grow up, our eating pattern will change just as our life pattern takes twists and turns. Both should be in tune with each other and in balance with each other.

Throughout the year, there are certain days when we dare to indulge in (good) food. As we enter the winter days, we want to treat ourselves to even more warming items against the cold. The end-of-year festivities seem like the ideal time to indulge ourselves like this, with the excuse that to be together we should also enjoy rich food and lots of alcoholic beverages.

Have you ever thought about what you might consume? Over the course of a lifetime, it has been estimated that each of us will consume roughly 35 tons of food. That’s not such a small amount. And if we look at today’s youth, we will have to conclude badly enough that they are consuming even more and even going so far as to endanger their bodies. If you look around, you will be able to see plenty of overweight people walking around.

In these busy days of many visits and lots of food, we might want to take a look at our eating habits and find out what is best for our body, but also for our mind, to eat.

There are a few universal rules that will always serve us well,

says dietitian Priya Tew.

“Overall, throughout our lives we need to focus on that balanced plate. We need protein, whole grains, fruit and vegetables. We need healthy fats and dairy (or dairy alternatives). What changes within that list are the proportions as we age,”

she says.

There are times in our life when oily fish, ­fermented and folate foods should jostle for a starring role in our evening meal.

Over the years, many studies have been published on nutrition and what we actually need. Lots of people searched about the assimilation by living organisms of food materials that enable them to grow, maintain themselves, and reproduce. Over the years, many different ‘diets’ have also been published and we have seen many ‘hypes’ come to light.

Some felt that certain nutrients were best not eaten by a human at all. Others again felt that one could safely slaughter animals to eat and not exclude anything from the diet. But most people agree that we need a substance consisting essentially of protein, carbohydrate, fat, and other nutrients to sustain growth and vital processes and to furnish energy. Everybody seems to agree at least that the absorption and utilisation of food by the body is fundamental to nutrition and is facilitated by digestion. But what field days will find is that everything is not so easily digested and we may well overeat ourselves, after which our stomachs play up.

So best to think about our eating habits in the coming festive season now before the big feasts are upon us.

It’s never too late to start eating more healthily. As dietitian Dr Carrie Ruxton, co-author of the report, says:

“While we know that nutrition, even before we are conceived, can affect our health and disease susceptibility, it is always possible to make positive changes whatever stage of life you’re at.”

Which nutrients your body needs will depend on your gender and time of life. Whether we’re a growing child, a woman trying to conceive or an adult trying to hold back decline, our bodies change throughout our lives. As such, they need different foods at crucial moments to ensure the best for our bones, brains, guts and hearts.

Understanding the specific nutritional demands during the body’s life cycle should influence our food choices today.

If you’re feeling “sober curious” as the festive season gets into full swing, the good news is you don’t have to make any compromises on flavour. The low- and no-alcohol market is one of the most innovative in the drinks world and it’s growing rapidly – new products promising great taste without the booze hit the shelves daily.

Come to read more about it:




  1. Are You Hungry?
  2. One mom’s ‘at home for the holidays’ eating plan is going viral, and it’s an organizational masterpiece
  3. Graceful Health: Enjoy Healthy Eating During the Holidays | columnists
  4. Brett Arends’s ROI: Eating these simple foods may slow Alzheimer’s by a third 
  5. Eating too much hummus can be dangerous.Here’s why you should eat it anyway
  6. Stress eating? Here’s how to train your brain to crave healthy foods
  7. Carolyn Hansen: Try the ‘addition’ idea to your healthy eating plan
  8. Just Beet It!
  9. Chicken Crescent Roll Ring
  10. Super Festive Holiday Recipes
  11. Rolled Turkey Breast Stuffed with Bacon, Cranberries and Pecans
  12. Christmas dinner Majorca
  13. Whether you’re cooking, catering, or hanging out, options abound.
  14. Struggling to feel in control with your eating?
  15. Holiday Weight Gain: 3 Easy Ways to Switch Up Protein and Avoid Food Temptations | Nutrition
  16. Top 20 common myths about losing weight
  17. Healthy Living
  18. A Mediterranean diet may reduce the risk of frailty in middle-aged and older adults
  19. Adding nuts to the daily diet shows positive effects on mental health
  20. Add Zucchini To Your Diet For These Amazing Health Benefits
  21. How To Get Calcium On A Vegan Diet And 6 Foods To Keep Your Bones Strong
  22. Scientists offer tips on how to beat overeating
  23. Sustainable Diet
  24. FDA Proposes Updated Definition of “Health” Claim on Food Packages to Help Improve Diet and Reduce Chronic Disease
  25. 740 Nutrition Inspiring Wellness Efforts in Downtown Zanesville
  26. Is this the diet that can save Australian children from obesity?
  27. Ayurvedic diet to keep fit and warm during winters
  28. Eating for Prediabetes
  29. #24 White Fat and Brown Fat
  30. Bone Health and Perimenopause
  31. Science reveals which diet is best for losing weight and controlling diabetes
  32. Jesse Stephen: Why are there so many female flight attendants so some fat flight attendants can’t even buckle up?
  33. The real-life diet of Jack Champion, who ate “protein, protein, protein” to get in shape for Avatar


Filed under Being and Feeling, Food, Health affairs, Lifestyle, Welfare matters

Us and climate change – We can do much more than we think

Already some decades now, people are confronted with unpredictable weather situations and getting to see how glaciers melt, countries have to battle either droughts or floods. This year, Belgium and Germany got so hard hit, thousands of people have lost their houses and private goods. Also, this summer we could witness, with brutal clarity, a world of lush forests, bountiful croplands, liveable cities, and survivable coastlines under threat.

For sure we on our own can not change the situation in such a way that we can turn back the clock and get better weather again. The climate crisis is too big to tackle alone.

The problem with our society is that most leaders and citizens are more concerned about earning and saving as much money they can do.

Do you know, you too, even when you think you are just a tiny spot in the ocean, can get the stone rolling to bring the necessary changes to avoid further global warming. We cannot stay at the sideline. We should talk about the situation with as many people as we can and push our politicians in the right way so that they shall dare to act for the world, which can not speak for itself. Our leaders must have the courage to act now to limit climate change and protect nature.

Though there are still lots of people who do not want to see it, science is clear:

we are damaging our climate and destroying our biodiversity.

We not only have to see the signs, it is very important to respond to the signs and take action! Practical steps right now!

After the lockdown, we may face now shortages in the shops. This might be a blessing in disguise encouraging us to plan for an end of year celebration focused on people rather than lots of food and presents. Think about what you most enjoy about celebrating Christmas, are how you can contribute to the sustainment of our planet in the Holiday Season.

On Saturday 6th November there is the Global Day of Action. Midway through COP26 it is not a bad moment to let your voice be heard. The politicians coming together in Glasgow have to know citizens are concerned with what happens to our planet and how we want them to take the necessary measures now, to do something against global warming and the need to protect people from the disasters of nature, like droughts and floods. If we do not call that global warming to a halt, that climate change shall bring a lot of people to lose their habitat and being forced to find other places to live so that we shall have a huge increase of climate refugees.

Photo by Barbara Barbosa on Pexels.com

At home, you can contribute with sorting, buying local and ecological (bio) products, making an effort not to use chemicals and unnecessary products. It is already a first step in the right direction when you try to reduce the ecological footprint. When you love to eat meat, think about certain animals suffering needlessly in factory farming. Avoid buying meat of animals in cages. Also, remember that by reducing meat consumption, you can help to reduce methane gases in the air and animal waste in the environment.

Demand your politicians that we, the richer nations and businesses, should act justly in response to the climate crisis. They are the ones who can push the negotiators at the COP26 in the right direction to make it work this year, to come to the right decision protecting our planet and its citizens! Ask your politicians that they invest money into proven solutions, green jobs & clean, renewable energy for everyone.

Photo by Markus Spiske on Pexels.com


Find also to read and to do

Cop26 presidency run from within the UK Cabinet Office

What Did We Do?

Support Climate Legislation

COP26 Petition



Health Ranger apocalypse warnings already given in 2012

The natural beauties of life

How to make sustainable, green habits second nature

Vatican meeting of mayors talking about global warming, human trafficking and modern-day slavery

Republican member of Congress from Arizona to boycott pope’s address over climate change

It’s a New Year!

Building a low-carbon world: the sixth industrial revolution

UK Politicians willing to tear up decades of environmental protections

Africa’s human existence and development under threat from the adverse impacts of climate change

A dangerous turning point – Earth facing the collapse of everything

155 million people across 55 territories suffering from severe food insecurity

Earth’s pandemic and T-shirts for young people

Four ways to tackle the climate and biodiversity crises simultaneously

Streams caused by temperature differences

Time for world to ‘grow up’ and tackle climate change, says Boris Johnson


Additional reading

  1. Reducing effects of environmental disasters
  2. Going for sustainable development
  3. The Climate Crisis and the Need for Utopian Thinking
  4. Challenges of the Post-Pandemic period
  5. Today’s thought “Allowed to have dominion over the universe” (January 02)
  6. Bijbelvorsers Blogging annual report and 2015 in review
  7. Sign of the Times and the Last Days #2 Wars, natural disasters, famine and false Messiahs



  1. Can humanity solve climate change, and if so, how?
  2. #17_ Platforms vs. sustainability: The winners take all and everything is lost?
  3. Earth’s natural carbon sinks: #Climatechange
  4. Why Individual Actions Matter in the Climate CrisisThanks to Big Oil, Your Tax Dollars Are Spent Ruining the ClimateBolsonaro must be held criminally responsible for assault on the Amazon, say activists
  5. COVID Vaccine access should be on the COP26 Agenda
  6. COP26: Goal One – too little, too slowly
  7. COP26 Petition
  8. Call For National Climate Legislation
  9. Queen Deplores Climate Crisis Inaction, ‘Irritated’ At Global Leaders Ahead Of COP26
  10. COP26 Fundraiser
  11. A climate of exclusionOpinion: COP26: Can Boris Johnson and the Conservatives be trusted to act on climate change?
  12. Woman Who Worked at Africa Development Bank Leads G20 MDB Review Amid Pandemic, Climate CrisisComplicated, but clear, explanation of why coming winter likely to be toughDerrick Z. Jackson: ‘Code Red’ for Climate Means Reducing US Oil and Gas Production Now
    On the Racist Humanism of Climate Action
  13. Click thru for a visual guide to how far the globe is into the climate crisis
  14. Drought demands decisive action on climate crisis
  15. Net zero would not stop climate change
  16. Rethink Our Meat Intake
  17. William tells young people to ‘demand change’ at first Earthshot PrizeEcological Evil
  18. Eco Tips
  19. How to Save the World From a Climate Armageddon
  20. Blogging At The End Of Earth


Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Announcement, Crimes & Atrocities, Ecological affairs, Health affairs, Lifestyle, Nature, Political affairs, Social affairs, Welfare matters, World affairs