Tag Archives: Matt Roberts

Health stories for this week about whole milk, Gen Z, Freebirthing, neurological condition a.o.


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Filed under Food, Health affairs

How to make 2024 your healthiest year yet

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Filed under Health affairs, Lifestyle

Interesting health articles to read at the beginning of 2024

Celebrity fitness trainer Matt Roberts believes that we should all be living a fit and healthy life for longer. He shares advice on food and lifestyle choices, and reveals his manageable plan of exercises you can do to live to 100.

person on floor head in hands

Why you could develop gout – and what you can do to treat it


Everything you need to know about hot flushes

What a month without alcohol really does to your body

Guide | What a month without alcohol really does to your body

Daisy Buchanan

Daisy Buchanan | Panic attacks ruined my life – here’s how I got over them

Multicoloured cereal

Food | The real reason diets fail, by a leading bariatric surgeon


Nurse Julie Holder

Dementia | As a nurse, this is what I wish everyone knew about the illness

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Filed under Health affairs

Helping us maintain muscle in later life and getting fit


Three stories you should read today

How steaks, eggs and nuts could help prevent midlife spread
A high-protein diet can boost fitness as well as help us maintain muscle in later life. Here’s how it’s done

It turns out it’s much harder to build muscle mass and strength without consuming adequate protein. And as we age, we may need more than we think.
Why running is the worst way to lose weight
Taking up jogging in midlife may not give you the results you want, but these alternative methods just might

“Running always seems to be the default exercise when people think of getting fit or losing weight,” says personal trainer Matt Roberts, who has worked with David Cameron, Tom Ford and Amanda Holden.

“Most weight-loss journeys begin with somebody thinking, ‘Right, I’ll start by going for a run.’ But it’s actually one of the worst things you can do to a midlife body that’s not conditioned to run.”

How I cured my insomnia with ASMR
Fed up with anxious, sleepless nights, Georgina Fuller delved into the wonderful world of ASMR – and discovered a greater sense of calmASMR (autonomous sensory meridian response)= a “relaxing brain massage” which is triggered by gentle sights and sounds such as speaking softly, hair brushing and crackles.+

Dipti Tait, a hypnotherapist who specialises in non-sleep deep rest (NSDR), says ASMR has become increasingly popular with those who suffer from anxiety or other forms of stress. “It can be a very effective form of relaxation therapy. The gentle, soft, repetitive sounds and sensations associated with ASMR can help to calm the nervous system and reduce overwhelming feelings and tension,” she says.

To help you out today

Looking to lose weight for summer? Slight tweaks to your eating habits can help shed unwanted pounds – and may become your new normal.
Negative thoughts can damage our wellbeing, but following these ways to flex your ‘happiness muscle’ can lead to a much sunnier outlook in general.
As new research links air pollution to lung cancer and heart disease – here are some ways we can all look to reduce the air pollution in our life.
A new reality show reveals why life without light is so profoundly unpleasant – but what’s the science behind our need for daylight? Here’s what living in the dark really does to your body.

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Food, Health affairs, Lifestyle