Tag Archives: Gen Z

Health stories for this week about whole milk, Gen Z, Freebirthing, neurological condition a.o.


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Filed under Food, Health affairs

Culture clash between Baby Boomers and Gen Z

For the first time, five generations are working together and leaders don’t know what to do about it. While older men are being given lessons on how to have a conversation with their younger peers, those at the start of their careers are pushing back on what they perceive to be a bizarre and claustrophobic corporate world.

The sensibilities of old and young workers are so stark that businesses are turning to so-called generational consultants for advice.

The real problem is that nobody is listening to each other. The concerns of younger workers are often grouped under the catch-all term “woke” and dismissed out of hand. Elon Musk typifies that attitude with his habit of dismissing anything he doesn’t particularly like the sound of as being part of what he calls a “woke mind virus”.

There’s no question that generational diversity is a great strength to any business, but too much is currently being lost in translation.

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