Tag Archives: Internment camps in Xinjiang

The Plight of Uighurs beyond the Great Wall

Because too much money involved the EU and USA are not willing to make more effort of pointing their finger at the discrimination and forced labour. The Eu citizens should demand their governments more to react against the deplorable state of affairs and instances of rights violations.

Uighur = Turkish Muslim ethnic group having close ties with Central Asian nations, with a population of nearly 11 million living in the Xinjiang province of China

China’s government has gone up to the extent of curtailing the Uighur religious, cultural and commercial activities.


To remember

  • gross + egregious human rights violations in internment camps in Xinjiang, China against Uighur Sufi Islamists > systematic repression Uighur Muslims in China ~~ to root out Islamic extremism and separatism
  • oppression of minorities
  • intolerance towards the religious minorities
  • re-education camps” functioning in Chin => serious violations of human rights by subjecting religious minority to forced labour and forced sterilisation supplemented by constant and intense surveillance.
  • systematic repression + political indoctrination => serious international humanitarian laws violation
  • global silence and inaction on the matter
  • stern actions ought to be taken
  • responsibility is on us to fight this evil that is breeding right before our eyes for if not curtailed timely this might find its place in the history as one of the biggest catastrophe upon humanity since the Second World War.


Find also to read:

  1. Who are Uighurs?
  2. The Hard Edge To The Soft Power Of Chinese Patriotism
  3. Genocide of Uighurs Does Not End Muslim Support for China​
  4. China targets Uighurs with more prosecutions, longer prison terms: HRW
  5. Rape as a Weapon of Genocide: Systematic Sexual Abuse Within China’s Internment Camps
  6. Does Joe Biden relativize the genocide in China? “There are different cultural norms in every country”
  7. Dutch parliament: China’s treatment of Uighurs is genocide
  8. China slams Dutch motion declaring genocide in Xinjiang
  9. Uighur author tells of imprisonment and China attacks
  10. China’s treatment of Uighurs is not ‘a different norm,’ but ‘genocide,’ activist says
  11. China committing genocide against Uighurs: report
  12. Legal Report on Uighurs: China breaches every Article in Genocide Convention
  13. Actions against Uighur minority: Trudeau stands exposed after refusing to meddle in China’s internal affairs
  14. Uighurs: China bans UK MPs after abuse sanctions
  15. China lashes out at H&M, Nike over criticism of human rights abuses in Xinjiang
  16. See, that’s what Uighurs are really afraid of…
  17. Human Rights Drives Deeper Wedge Between Beijing and Washington
  18. Canada’s parliament says China’s treatment of Uighurs is genocide
  19. Canada’s parliament says China’s treatment of Uighurs is genocide
  20. Canada should be ready to weather any export issues to deal with China: O’Toole
  21. The Plight of Chinese Uighurs – A Story of Structured Minority Cleansing
  22. 04/06/21 Reuters: Chinese ambassador to Turkey summoned over response to Uighur claims: source
  23. US senators match House bill to assist Uyghur refugees
  24. The Uighurs, Allies, and China
  25. Where do Ideas Come From?
  26. Uighurs and The Forgotten Protection
  27. Still no word from Toon Lampoon’s China correspondent
  28. Proposing #StopUighurHate Protests Across China
  29. Chinese hackers used Facebook to target Uighur activists with malware
  30. China-based hackers used Facebook to target Uighurs abroad with malware
  31. Xinjiang shakedown: US anti-China lobby cashed in on ‘forced labor’ campaign that cost Uyghur workers their jobs
  32. Blinken says US must deal with China as Beijing ramps up aggression abroad
  33. AI and its Impact on Government Surveillance Capabilities and the Suppression of Uighur Muslims in China
  34. John Kerry believes it’s OK to use slaves to fight global warming

The Human Rights Blog

This article is authored byAstha Sharma, the Senior Editor of the Human Rights Blog, CASIHR.

“The object of terrorism is terrorism. The object of oppression is oppression. The object of torture is torture. The object of murder is murder. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?”

George Orwell (1984)

This article elucidates the predicament of Uighur Muslims in China. It traces the roots of the problem and sheds light on the deplorable condition of this community and their systematic repression. The oppression of minorities by majority is not a new story however in the current day and light oppression to this extent and through such means is chilling and deserves appropriate action from the global community.


It was noticed after a long time, it took longer to condemn and even longer to act. The predicament of the Uighur Muslims gained…

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