Tag Archives: House of work

Here and there♥️


Try to get it!

The remained time is short
But we do Not pay attention
We will be asked about every thing
Important and unimportant
There is a big difference between here and there

There you can Not look back
There you can Not change What has been done by you
But here you still have the chance to look back
You still have the chance to repaire and to change What should be changed
There… We will live an endless peace
Here… we can Create our peace But it is a temporary peace
This peace of ‘here’ needs a lot of work and patience to be achieved
There.. We do Not work Or try to achieve anything
There we only harvest What we did ‘here’…
Our time here is too short But we can do a lot
There.. our time is caculated differently and although it is endless Or long But we…

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Filed under Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs, Social affairs, Welfare matters