Tag Archives: hepatitis

Fishes, swimming and diets

Despite hating the idea of ‘dieting’, Stefanie Calleja-Gera lost two stone in three months. She reveals how using a combination of calorie-restricted eating and swimming allowed her to shed unwanted pounds.

‘I lost two stone in three months – without stepping into a gym’

The 60p oily fish that could save your life

That 60p tin of sardines sitting in the cupboard is set to become a trendy ingredient of choice after a new study in the BMJ concluded that replacing some of our red meat consumption with healthier “forage fish” could save up to 750,000 lives per year globally.

Forage fish are the smaller, cheaper varieties such as sardines, mackerel, anchovies and herring that serve as a food source for larger fish. They have one of the lowest carbon footprints of any animal food source with a recent study estimating that replacing 10 per cent of the world’s ruminant meat consumption with forage fish could lower global greenhouse gas emissions by up to 15 per cent.

Why the Mediterranean diet is the only low-carb diet that works

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Filed under Food, Health affairs

A serious inflammation of the liver and dark corners in American medicine

When World War II began, the US military discovered that it had a huge health problem: hepatitis. Nothing much was known about the disease and the military wanted to know how to prevent it and cure it.

So, from shortly after Pearl Harbor in 1942 to the end of the War and continuing to 1972, American biomedical researchers deliberately infected people with hepatitis. Government-sponsored researchers were attempting to discover the basic features of the disease and the viruses causing it, and to develop interventions that would quell recurring outbreaks.

A new book from Yale University Press, Dangerous Medicine: The Story behind Human Experiments with Hepatitis describes the medical and ethical issues behind hepatitis experiments.

Please read more:

Hepatitis research: more dark corners in American medicine



  1. Tips For How to Prevent Hepatitis and how to control it
  2. Hepatitis B and C: A new test protects against liver damage
  3. “Health Net” will really be “tired to bursting liver”?Doctor: Acute liver failure is not necessarily related to staying up late for a long time
  4. Hepatitis (plural hepatitides)…
  5. Liver expression of IL-22, IL-22R1 and IL-22BP in patients with chronic hepatitis C with different fibrosis stages
  6. Hypoglycemia associated with direct-acting anti-hepatitis C virus drugs: An epidemiologic surveillance study of the FDA adverse event reporting system (FAERS)
  7. Prevalence of Hepatitis B Calls for Further Intervention in Asia
  8. 3rd Death Possibly Linked To Pennsylvania Hepatitis A Outbreak Reported
  9. Nonprofit ‘Tulsa CARES’ Adds First In House Doctor To Help Patients With HIV, Hepatitis C

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Filed under Health affairs, History, Publications, Welfare matters, World affairs