Tag Archives: Having ideas

Hope – History the proof that humans have the capacity to make their hopes come true


History is the proof that if humans have the audacity to hope they also have the capacity to make their hopes come true.

Almost all the people who were responsible for a breakthrough were once labelled insane because they believed in something considered to be impossible. Our world is a materialistic sphere which encourages actions rather than speculations because guesswork cannot pay bills.

Every discovery starts with a wild conjecture which receives more criticism rather than appreciation. It’s not an easy task to implement something which lies on the spectrum of so-called impossibility. But even in a world like this, there are some people who would choose to be a dreamer rather than a skeptic realist; I am one of them. I believe there’s only a thin line of skepticism between possibility and impossibility which can be erased with hope; where there’s hope there’s a possibility.

If our ancestors hadn’t…

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Filed under Being and Feeling, History, Knowledge & Wisdom, Lifestyle, Positive thoughts, Quotations or Citations, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Social affairs, Welfare matters, World affairs

Something different from the original idea

How often do we not start with an idea
and will it become something totally different?

Marcus Ampe

Dutch version / Nederlandse versie > Iets anders dan oorspronkelijk idee

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Filed under Cultural affairs, Fashion - Trends, Lifestyle, Quotations or Citations, Reflection Texts