Tag Archives: Greek religion

The belief of one going to heaven

Banner for the symposium, Blake's Ancient of Days.

Banner for the symposium, Blake’s Ancient of Days. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The belief of one going to heaven after death is a doctrine that you will hear almost any church preach today. The majority of people believe heaven is where they will go once death has overtaken them. Where did this belief come from? The belief in a heavenly afterlife was made popular during the Greco-Roman period and was the product of the interaction of ancient biblical traditions with new trends in religion and science. The impact of Greek language and religion on the doctrine of life after death among the Jews was highly influential, and is still a highly influential doctrine to this day.
We must remain cautious of believing in doctrines that originate from man.
Psalms.115:16.The Lord has kept the heavens for himself, but has given the earth to us humans.
The bible clearly teaches a different message from what is being taught among various religions today.

– Virginia Warren



Filed under Religious affairs