Tag Archives: Getting injured

Having a sensitive human in your life

Artist Credit : Kat Fedora

We ourselves can be sensitive persons, but we also can have other sensitive beings (animals but also humans) around us. One could say that as a sensitive person, one runs the risk of being ‘injured’ more easily. Being more sensitive can make others see us as weaker and easy prey. In any case we don’t have the ‘luxury’ of avoiding things that matter. Our sensitivity means that we “attract” everything and that those things “touch” us. We are by nature, compassionate.
Our sensitivity is our vitality, our flexibility, but also our engagement, our passion and our inspiration. But our sensitivity regularly also brings with it anxiety and fear, which we are supposed to overcome.

However, we should be strong and use our sensitivity as a good virtue, giving our empathy the power to help and assist others where necessary.

Image source: Serendipity Corner

Everyone has at least a little, at least the potential of sensitivity inside .
Don’t let anyone put you down when they don’t like the way their own sensitivity is reflected in you.

Learn as much about your sensitivity as you can .
It is a beautiful gift and deserves honing and compassion … {Caroline Van Kimmenade}

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