Tag Archives: Exodus 21:17

Honour your parents as they get older

On LinkedIn  Ravi Narayanan published an inspiring and motivational post about one of the essential rules in our relationship with others. The Divine Creator included it in His rules for life. Though the Scriptures also warn us that one of the signs of the coming end times would be that youngsters would not have any respect for their parents and grandparents and even would go into conflict with them.

From the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:12; 21:17) we hear Jesus mentioning to honour the parents.

“For God commanded, saying, ‘Honor thy father and mother,’ and, ‘He that curseth father or mother, let him die the death.’” (Mt 15:4 KJ21)

“”Honor thy father and thy mother, that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.” (Ex 20:12 KJ21)

“”‘Honor thy father and thy mother, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee, that thy days may be prolonged, and that it may go well with thee in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.” (De 5:16 KJ21)

Today we find a lot of youngsters who say bad things to their parents and even go so far to curse them, forgetting:

“”And he that curseth his father or his mother shall surely be put to death.” (Ex 21:17 KJ21)

“”‘For every one that curseth his father or his mother shall be surely put to death. He hath cursed his father or his mother: his blood shall be upon him.” (Le 20:9 KJ21)

.Paul also quotes the “first commandment with a promise.” (Ephesians 6:2)

“”Honor thy father and mother,” which is the first commandment with promise,” (Eph 6:2 KJ21)

The English word “honour” is from the Greek TIMA from which the name Timothy comes.

Many people have forgotten the commandment to honour their parents.

Honor Your Parents As They Get Older

Honor thy mother and father seems to be one of the simplest rules to life, doesn’t it?

As a kid, it mostly means listening, being obedient, and not treating them with disrespect or doing anything to shame them. However, as our parents get older, our relationships change with them.


➡️Keep them included in the family – Isolation becomes one of the biggest problems facing us as we get older. As such, it’s important to make sure that you’re doing your part in helping your parents live a rich social life, especially if you have grandkids that could help brighten their life. Make sure you don’t lose touch and make the effort to keep them in your lives.

➡️Respect their opinion – Getting their opinion when you need help with family matters as can make sure that they are still playing an active role in the family, too.

➡️Respect their wishes – You might think that you know better but, unless their wellbeing is directly threatened, you cannot force them to make choices they don’t want.

➡️Letting them live their best life – As we get older, it is a fact of life that many of us will not be able to live as independently as we might, right now. To that end, you need to think about how to help your parents live safely and with the best possible quality of life.

➡️Helping them with their future plans – As they move into the later stages of their life, you might find that your parents start planning not just for later in their own life, but what comes after it as well.

The rule of honor thy mother and father keeps going, no matter how old you are. Take the time to think about what that’s going to mean for your family as you all keep moving into the next stage of life and think about how you would want to be treated as you age, too.


What is important?29. Laws that Value People

A culture of “democratic cleansing” – Elders and youngsters versus respect

Worries for parents in America TodayInner voice inside the soul of man++

Additional reading

  1. Matthew 15:1-20 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: Tradition and the Heart
  2. Matthew 19:16-24 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: Difficulty of Rich Entering the Kingdom
  3. Parenthood made more difficult
  4. Only six of ten commandments of God still important to British Christians
  5. Change
  6. Matt Colby chatting to Levi about parenting
  7. Fools despise wisdom and instruction
  8. In the nurture and admonition of the Lord
  9. Parents and children in and out our church family
  10. Importance of parents 1
  11. Importance of parents 2
  12. Growing rift between observant parents and their children
  13. Synod of Bishops concerning minors
  14. Signs of the Last Days




  1. Yasmin Ahmad – Sheer compassion
  2. I want to go out knowing I couldn’t have done any more
  3. How do I build credit?
  4. Silent fear
  5. A child’s relationship with a parent who has a mental illness
  6. How Fast it Will Go
  7. I’m giving a shout-out to all students out there that hasn’t taken No for an answer and is still struggling to make it work

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