Tag Archives: Eckhart Tolle

The present moment is all you have

“Realize deeply that the present moment is all you have.”
~Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now

“Consciousness is the ability to release the old and embrace the new with the awareness that all things end at the appropriate time and that all things begin at the appropriate time.

This truth is difficult to learn to live with because human beings seek stability – the absence of change. Therefore becoming conscious means living fully in the present moment, knowing that no situation or person will be exactly the same tomorrow.

As change does occur, we work to interpret it as a natural part of life and strive to ‘flow with it,’ as the Tao Te Ching counsels, and not against it. Trying to make things remain the same is useless as well as impossible.

Our task is to contribute the best of our energy to every situation with the understanding that we influence, but do not control, what we will experience tomorrow.”

~ Carolyn Myss, Anatomy of the Spirit, p.241

Quoted by Professions for P.E.A.C.E. in  Becoming Conscious


Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Quotations or Citations, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Social affairs

Becoming Conscious

To remember

Consciousness = ability to release the old + embrace the new with awareness that all things end at the appropriate time and that all things begin at the appropriate time.


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by | 2018/03/26 · 2:13 pm

Dingen laten komen zoals ze zijn geweven in je levenslot

”Laat de dingen komen, zoals ze zijn geweven in je levenslot.
Wat kan er beter in je behoefte voorzien?”
– Eckhart Tolle – Leven in het nu

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Filed under Aanhalingen of Citaten, Levensstijl, Nederlandse teksten - Dutch writings, Voelen en Welzijn

Zoeken en gehechtheid aan dingen

”Gehechtheid aan dingen valt vanzelf weg
als je niet meer probeert jezelf te vinden in dingen.”

Eckhart Tolle


Dutch version / Nederlandse versie > …

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Filed under Aanhalingen of Citaten, Levensstijl, Nederlandse teksten - Dutch writings, Positieve gedachten, Voelen en Welzijn

Niets nodig hebbende liefde

”Liefde heeft niets nodig en is nergens bang voor.”

Eckhart Tolle


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Filed under Aanhalingen of Citaten, Bezinningsteksten, Nederlandse teksten - Dutch writings