Tag Archives: Dmitry Polyanskiy

Russia takes issue with Israel’s sovereignty over Golan Heights and Jerusalem

Moscow took issue with Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights and Jerusalem just prior to its attack on Ukraine.

Russia doesn’t recognize Israel’s sovereignty over Golan Heights that are part of Syria,”

Occupied Palestinian Territories.jpg

Central Israel and Area C (blue), the part of the West Bank under full Israeli control, 2011

its deputy ambassador, Dmitry Polyanskiy, told the UN Security Council, which held a debate on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict at the end of last month. The monthly Security Council meeting took place as the General Assembly debated the Russian-Ukrainian crisis. Polyanskiy spoke just hours after Israel broke its neutrality on the conflict, as it gave a nod in support of Ukraine.

Moscow has presented itself in its conflict with Ukraine as the supporter of the Russian-speaking population in the regions of Donetsk and Luhansk in eastern Ukraine. At the Security Council, Russia reminded Israel that it stands with Syria, where it is militarily entrenched, regarding Damascus’ demand that Israel returns the Golan, which the IDF captured during the defensive Six-Day War in 1967.

Israel has said it

“supports the territorial integrity and the sovereignty of Ukraine,”

and once again expressed concern for Israeli citizens and the Jewish community in the affected regions. Israel’s Foreign Ministry expressed “concern” over the “serious escalation.” Israel has very close relations with Ukraine and also with the United States so it has to side with Ukraine. But this in turn drives a wedge between Israel and Russia. Incredibly on the day Russia invaded Ukraine they made a statement at the UN that Russia does not recognize Israel’s sovereignty over Golan Heights. Also in the statement they mentioned Tel Aviv not Jerusalem in relation to the government of Israel.

Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem. And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces Jerusalem will become the centre of the conflict – this happens before Russia invades. (Zech 12:2)

Andy Walton

> Weekly World Watch



Additional reading

  1. Palestine, Israel, God’s people and democracy
  2. Signs of the times – “Gaza – once more a flashpoint”
  3. Signs of the times – “Israel’s security and the Golan Heights”
  4. Signs of the times – “Israel’s security”
  5. Signs of the times – “The US, Israel and the Golan Heights”
  6. WWW on our position 50 years after Israel captured Jerusalem during the Six Day War.



  1. Israel plans to double settlement in occupied Golan Heights
  2. Nd: Golan Heights plan
  3. Israel’s leftist Meretz party is on board– for flagrant colonialist war crimes in the Golan
  4. naftali bennett: Israelis will double in the Golan Heights; New project approved – Israel vows to double occupants in golan heights says prime minister naftali bennett
  5. The Jordan Times: Another nail in the coffin of the ‘peace deal’
  6. The Hindu: Far from over: On Israel missile strike on Syria
  7. Prophecy Foreshadowed on the Golan Heights
  8. A Picture of Bible Prophecy from the Golan Heights
  9. Now Russia Sets Its Sights On Israel, And Tells Them That They No Longer Recognize Jewish Sovereignty Over The Golan Heights In Northern Syria
  10. Russia Rejects Israel’s Claim to Golan Heights

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