Tag Archives: Deserving something

Working on Emotional Maturity

Lighthearted Letters

Dear Creation,

When you feel like you don’t deserve to receive something good, that may seem like humility. But it’s not. That feeling is actually based on an arrogance embedded in an immature human heart. You see, if you don’t deserve to receive goodness in your current condition, that implies that you could potentially reach a condition where you do deserve goodness. Except that the abyss between the patheticness of immature humanity and the magnificence of Yehovah’s goodness is so vast that we can never bridge the gap without FIRST receiving goodness from Him.

It is only by receiving the goodness that Yehovah desires to give us that we can ever develop into a condition worthy of that goodness. Deserving is before. Fulfillment is afterwards. We can never ever deserve His goodness to the point that it is ludicrous to even be concerned about it. We can, however, learn to…

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