Tag Archives: Behaviour toward others

Greeting a person to give happiness

In case each individual were to greet every person that they meet, by giving them a warm smile, bowing, waving or through a firm hand shake, all of the energy will be positive.

The results or outcome of taking the initiative with just a mere friendly greeting would be a state of happiness. Then many people would respond in a similar manner, naturally. As we go through or experience our daily routine of our work and begin to socialize with other people, we may cause some small changes with our attitude or behavior toward others. As we go further, how many people actually listen to one another? Listening to other people also makes them happy and grateful. The mere effortless act of listening emphatically definitely costs us not even a single cent, but it truly makes everybody happy when we listen to them.

All that it requires is to give a little of our time to someone else. There is really no need to wait for the other person to make the first move or somebody else to be friendly and approachable first. When we create and initiate the positive action, we are setting the wheels of karma in motion and the end result is to find our own happiness. {Happiness Through Action}



  1. A word used too loosely
  2. Karma (/ˈkɑːrmə/; Sanskrit: कर्म, translit. karma, IPA: [ˈkərmə] ( listen); Pali: kamma) means action, work or deed; it also refers to the spiritual principle of cause and effect where intent and actions of an individual (cause) influence the future of that individual (effect).
  3. Karma We often hear a word ‘Karma’ which is being used from ancient days, actually means ‘Duty’.
  4. Destiny, Karma and Renunciation further explained…
  5. Out of difficulties grow miracles.
  6. Self Awareness is the key ingredient for Self Confidence.
  7. We all need to rest
  8. All of our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them
  9. We Must Understand the Soul to Heal Our Bodies
  10. You cannot change the people around you, but you can change the people you choose to be around with
  11. Understanding karmic storylines
  12. Destiny is not a matter of chance; it’s a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for; it is a thing to be achieved.
  13. Your value doesn’t decrease based on someone’s inability to see your worth
  14. Lost in between
  15. The case for Obsession
  16. The winter sun
  17. The pitfalls of the all-or-nothing mindset
  18. Holiday feel… Oh December!
  19. Giving does not always equate to happiness
  20. Ahimsa…
  21. Allowing Others’ Joy
  22. A Life Lesson Still Being Learned
  23. Seeking meaning, not happiness, will make you happier
  24. Mindfulness is Happiness
  25. Paradise…
  26. All of our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them

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Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Positive thoughts, Quotations or Citations, Social affairs, Welfare matters