Tag Archives: Aasiyah

Cruelty of men seeking to render women weak

Ahlam Saed writes:

“Women were created weak and emotional and irrational and that is why they cannot do XYZ…”

Aasiyah (‘alayhassalaam) endured the worst torture that Pharoah could dream up, and the last words to leave her lips were a supplication to Allah that was eternally recorded and recited in the Qur’an.

Khadijah (radhiAllahu ‘anha) lost her societal standing, her wealth, was exiled into a barren desert and starved to death for the sake of Islam.

Haajar (‘alayhassalaam) was left in an empty desert devoid of water and all sustenance, with an infant in her arms, and did not utter a word of complaint because of her belief in Allah.

Sumayyah bint Khayyat was raped with a foreign object until she died from it, maintaining her testimony of faith while her husband and son, who suffered torture that was nowhere near as fatal, wept because their tongues renounced Islam.

Al-Ghaamidiyyah returned to RasulAllah, her child in her arms, begging over and over that he purify her of the sin of zina by establishing the Hadd punishment, while Maa’ez ran away in fear.

Umm Habibah left her homeland, impoverished and a stranger to the language and customs and environment of Abyssinia, a political and spiritual refugee and member of a tiny minority – and then watched in horror as her husband, also a Muslim, became an alcoholic and then left Islam entirely before dying an ignominous death. Entirely alone, Umm Habibah refused to compromise on her faith.

Thousands of Muslim women today face abuse, rape, isolation, domestic violence, crippling poverty, are ostracized from their communities, are slandered and defamed… and yet hold to Islam with every fibre of their being, their hearts raw and yet fused with Tawheed, firm in their belief even when they find themselves faltering in every other way.

The strength of women from the dawn of time is more than any man can imagine, more powerful than they can fathom, and in their fear and their ignorance, they call us weak.

"Allah" in Arabic calligraphy

Allah Jalla Jalālah in Arabic calligraphy

Allah, the Witness over all things, is a Witness to the strength of women, and it is His Strength we call upon when the cruelty of men seeks to render us weak.

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