Human experience maintained in a fragile existence

… our human experience continues to be maintained in such a fragile existence that could end at any moment and without notice.
Every waking moment we are embarking upon the unknown.
Whether or not we are even conscious of our own living
and dying is another individual matter,
whether or not to believe there might be a presence in an afterlife,
or simply presume that whatever is, just is,
without ever a question about what awaits us on the other side.
~ Thoughts On Living


Filed under Being and Feeling, Quotations or Citations, Reflection Texts, Welfare matters

3 responses to “Human experience maintained in a fragile existence

  1. Pingback: Our existence, the world showing up for us and holding up a mirror | From guestwriters

  2. Pingback: Experiences in life that ‘helped’ me grow – Some View on the World

  3. Pingback: Nneoma and other thinkers or philosophers looking at experience – Some View on the World

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