Too Many People Are Dying Right Now 


Dewayne-Net Archives

[Note: This item comes from friend Steve Crandall. DLH]

Too Many People Are Dying Right Now 
“It’s hard to look at these indicators and feel at all optimistic,” explains scientist Eric Topol.
By David Wallace-Wells
Aug 8 2021

Too many people are dying right now.

A few weeks ago, in a back-of-the-envelope calculation during an interview with Eric Topol of Scripps, I suggested that because of widespread vaccination of the most vulnerable elderly, we may have reduced overall mortality risk in the country by 90 percent. Topol thought that was a little high, but agreed that vaccines were delivering great protection against death and hospitalization, and while we would likely see some of each during the Delta wave, “it won’t be like the monster third wave.” More recently, the Dartmouth economist Andrew Levin, who early in the pandemic did major work calculating mortality risk by age, estimated in an…

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