A looming danger for youngsters

It looks like CoViD-19 is going to be here around for many more months and companies are feeling the pressure of more difficult months to come. (Worldwide at the moment 16.341.179 infected, 650.792 deaths)

Some companies already make misuse to re-organise or restructure their business. Several layoffs are in the air.

Shannon Allen, a Second Year Undergraduate student studying Sociology at the University of Portsmouth, gives some advice to her peers at her blog Bloggit. she gives some key tips for gaining experience, especially in digital marketing, and seems herself also on the lookout for groups or media posters, perhaps to find like-minded young women who will literally chat about anything and everything!

She also started volunteering with a local volunteering centre, and with good reason brings this under attention, because many more people should find such a way to use the free time they have now in lockdown. Also, for those who work now from home, a lot of time has come free because they do not have to lose so many hours in traffic for going to work.

For the other free time and for meeting others, at night, she writes

Often, when I see my friends there is alcohol involved, often leading up to a night out. As the clubs have remained shut in England, this has been off the cards so we have had much more trips to the park or the beach, and nights in watching Disney+ and playing on the Nintendo Switch. It is so important to spend quality time with people, especially as after next year we probably won’t see each other very often as we start the next chapter of our lives. {Boost the positive vibes!}

We only hope she does not come together any more with more than 5 people, who would always be the same people from the same circle or bubble. In Belgium and France we have seen too many youngsters gathering in all sorts of venues like nothing is at hand and corona would not exist. Such irresponsible attitude is totally disrespectful to all health care providers.

Instead of clutching or to stick together those youngsters could meet more via social media and use more time to take some extra schooling.

Miss Allen writes

Over lockdown, I have been trying to complete as many online courses as I can. {Experience Unlocks Doors!}

which is a very good idea which we would promote very much.

A good place to look for these, if you’re looking at digital marking related ones, is the google digital garage and futurelearn*. I have also started an 3 day internship with ‘Brightside’, in ‘Business, Operations and Marketing’, which was free to join and you also gain a certificate from! It involves networking with business professionals and learning key skills within this business realm. {Experience Unlocks Doors!}

LinkedIn Logo 2013.svgFor sure what is going to be very important in the coming months is to make sure there are job securities to look at. As such it is not bad to make yourself already be known on the business and employment-oriented online service LinkedIn and to search for job/ voluntary roles and groups

LinkedIn is a great way to start, it tailors role ads to your cv, depending on your experience and where you live. It is also a great place to find groups to join that post related content. Following tags is the simplest way to start, for example I follow #digitalmarketing which is regularly updated with interesting posts. {Experience Unlocks Doors!}



File:MOOC poster mathplourde.pngMassive open online course (MOOC) aimes at unlimited participation and open access via the web



  1. EU Symbols
  2. Getting Through
  3. Every child must believe in himself!
  4. The Right to Education
  5. 18 Reasons to Volunteer Your Time
  6. The Best Idea I’ve Ever Had
  7. Get involved
  8. Virtual Volunteering – 10 ways you can make a difference even while social distancing!
  9. Renew the contract
  10. My Animal Sanctuary Volunteeting Experience
  11. My Experience as a Peace Corps Health Extension Worker – Part 2
  12. Volunteering Makes Our Lives Better!
  13. Listening Across Generations
  14. Has being in lockdown made you think about how to live more simply?
  15. Volunteer to help at Croydon Animal Samaritan’s shop, 136 Cherry Orchard Road @scrumblesuk
  16. NCS Programme 2020
  17. Elaine Brown gives her time to uplift Cobb County children in need
  18. It’s time to rest and I find that hard to do when there is so much to do and people – my people, my peers – are being abandoned by this government.
  19. Work Readiness Opportunities
  20. Creating Community and Togetherness


Filed under Crimes & Atrocities, Economical affairs, Headlines - News, Lifestyle, Social affairs, Welfare matters, World affairs

2 responses to “A looming danger for youngsters

  1. Pingback: Only during the second wave more infections were recorded – Some View on the World

  2. Pingback: Wishing to do more every day – Worldviewer

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