A harsh life and guarantees

Many of us are not so happy with their life. Many find life difficult and a source of problems. It can be harsh and sometimes people do not see the light at the end of the tunnel. The only guarantee all have is that it will end.

This website like some other website on the 20 year old WWW is created to let you know, you always have a choice.

  • A choice to acknowledge and embrace your positives and your limitations.
  • A choice to keep on walking, step by step if necessary.
  • A choice to reach out, to connect, to offer and to accept help.
  • A choice to be YOU: a Beautiful Soul and thrive.

It is no surprise that life can be harsh and throw you in a situation you feel like the world is swallowing you and you’ve lost all control.

Feeling (a bit) better about yourself can be easy, if you’re looking for a quick boost. Playing or singing your favorite song, exercise for an hour, joining a yoga-class, eating a healthy meal or a big bowl full of ice-cream, drinking a glass of wine, reading a book, write a poem, walk with the dogs, swim in an ocean…so many different ways to lift your spirit. {Boost Your Soul}

Acknowledgement is more important than you might think. As human beings, we are by nature a creature who prefers to belong to others. At the same time, we are also each unique individuals and living in harmony is unfortunately no longer a given.
It even seems the frustration, anger and violence continues to increase worldwide. Understandably, people are tempted to withdraw from society and seek solitude: no longer trust human beings are wonderful creatures and question, if there are still Beautiful Souls among us.

We would love to see similar feeling people, people who find it necessary to give each other the hand to unite as brethren and sisters, as creatures of One Bigger Element.

Social media has become a large part of modern society. Instead of connecting many people in real life, we can see that it created more a virtual world where many can escape the reality of the real world. Many are glued on the little screen of their smartphone and do not often look up to see what is happening around them in the real world.

A ‘Mimosa pudica‘ who when she was a child was called ‘Kruidje-roer-me-niet’ (Mimosa Pudica) a lot because of her intensity when she believed something unjust or dishonest had happened in the world around her, wrote

Allowing ourselves to be too active on various social media platforms, to a point we can’t even have diner without checking every notification we receive, is of course not healthy.  Whether we use social media work related or as a hobby, there is a time and a place for everything.

Just like it is not healthy to work twenty-four-seven, sit or stand behind our laptops for over two hours straight, binch-eating while surfing, or forget about eating, sleeping and other necessary pursuits in life… it is not healthy to be online all the time.

Predators are everywhere in our society, unfortunately they do exist in our virtual Dreampack too. Just like we don’t share passwords with just anyone, have locks on our  valuable assets… we should use the security and privacy options each social platform provides. {Social media part of modern society. Embrace it !}


We have come into a world where the bullying does not any more takes place at the place of confrontation, but also on the social media. Today blackmail, treason and deception are not uncommon, however, shamefully, it is not exclusive to the virtual world.

Just like we choose who we invite in our daily life, use our gut feelings who to trust and who we like… We don’t have to click with everyone. At the same time, let us not forget that behind every account one of our neighbors is connected to it. {Social media part of modern society. Embrace it !}

Naturally not everything about social media has to be bad. Social media may give a true picture as well as a total false picture of the other but it can also be a way to learn from each other’s differences,

a platform through which beautiful collaborations can be created. It can be a wonderful way to make real connections, even friendships for life. {Social media part of modern society. Embrace it !}

we have the choice between focusing on the negativity around us or acknowledge the positive at our big Dreampack. We have a choice to acknowledge the negatives and seek understanding, to become better. Which will lead to a more peaceful Dreampack. For all of us.

In addition, we also have the choice to gather Beautiful Souls, who share the same hope, beliefs, values, etc., posses the willingness to live in peace and include them in our Dreampack(s). We have the choice to be open to different perspectives, opinions, cultures and belief-systems. {Beautiful Souls}

“From Guestwriters” is here for you, willing to connect you with others, with similar or with positive ideas. We want to inspire people and we want to offer positive thoughts for this life.

We can learn so much from each others’ stories and perspectives. {When Souls Connect}

Hence, the reason we too want to share inspiring, thought-provoking and motivational stories, perspectives, thoughts, quotes, etc. from ourselves and from our neighbours or like-minded people and from artists who want to give or return something beautiful to the world.

We do know that

You can read all the positive quotes in the world, eat ice-cream all day, numb yourself with alcohol, retreat to an uninhabited island… Most people will stay unhappy, because all those quick boosters are just that. Not long-lasting, no realistic ways to feel joy and satisfaction as much as possible. People can tell you, you’re a Beautiful Soul all the time, but it isn’t just a random quote: you really have to believe that yourself, choose to be and the feeling you are will follow. {Boost Your Soul}

We sincerely do hope we can inspire you to look into yourself and to come to love yourself. but we also want to give you some warning where to stand in this world to stay alive. At the same time we do hope we can offer you some inspiring texts which shall be able to pull you through another day.

We all deserve to feel, to be happy.



Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Announcement, Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Positive thoughts, Social affairs, Welfare matters

5 responses to “A harsh life and guarantees

  1. Hi !
    Thank you for using bits and parts of my website for this article 🙂
    Warm regards,
    Patty Wolters


  2. Pingback: There are more Beautiful Souls reaching out ~ Dreampack

  3. Pingback: I am most excited about for the promised future – Worldviewer

  4. Pingback: Reason to look excited about the coming future – Some View on the World

  5. Pingback: A Book of books accompanying me day and night – Worldviewer

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