Muslim leaders call for all Islamic teachers to be registered

Singapore Muslim leaders called for a scheme that endorses religious teachers to be made stricter, amid the spread of extremist ideology on the Internet that has led to the radicalisation of some Singaporeans.

threat of terrorism > 2 Singaporeans planned to travel to Syria to fight with terror group Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

religious teachers certified => parents will be more confident sending their children to madrasah, or Islamic religious schools

Currently, 80 per cent of asatizah are under ARS = certified 1,700 religious teachers.

Ustaz Ali Mohamed > need to ensure vision of Islam compatible with Singapore as a secular state.

Association of Muslim Professionals chairman Abdul Hamid Abdullah said encouraging all asatizah to be certified will

“clearly signal, not just to the Muslim community, but to the rest of the communities in Singapore, that we are concerned about getting the right, credible people to teach religious teachings”.


Filed under Cultural affairs, Educational affairs, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs

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