A Brief Thought on Leadership

Not everybody is given to be a leader and not everybody can take up the leadership. The one taking up leadership always should respect those under him, willing to give them something more and offering them positive prospects, putting them on fire, willing to explore, discover, strive, soar and excel.

Joe DeRosa
Joe DeRosa loves marketing and has spent a significant amount of his time and energy studying buyer behaviours. As an executive leader of several Marketing and Sales teams he has gathered vast amounts of data – qualitative and quantitative – around the customer journey.

He, like us, is convinced that leadership is not selfish and that great leaders make it all about their teams which they lead with dignity. As we showed already in our previous postings, life is a learning process. In this competitive world the best leaders should be continuous learners, not claiming to have all the answers nor believing they themselves are the only ones capable of generating great ideas. With many youngsters, this might a be problem today and the cause of so many projects failing in the end.

An other big problem today is the lack of communication or the will to listen to others, and nobody wanting to take responsibilities.

With many of those born in the 1980s and 1990s we find a very placating and narcissistic tendency, many having a very strong ego. Many of them are also not willing to trust others and do not want to share all that they know, but want to be recognised as the one who knows most and best, which is not always so true.

Purpose-driven leaders understand the importance of gratitude.  Being gracious for a job well done separates a good leader from a bad leader.  There’s nothing wrong with expressing your gratitude or thanks to an employee who did a good job even though a good job is what’s expected.  It’s often the smallest acts of kindness that embolden a team to its leader. {10 Things a Leader is Not}

Many youngsters think they know already everything and are often not open to learn more. They forget that everything changes so fast and everyday offers again something knew. For good leaders there is no place for ignorance and no place for such proud that no questions are dared to be posed about matters not known.

In good leadership is also no place for indecisiveness or a regular hesitating attitude.

Enduring leaders know that making decisions are required for leadership longevity.  Those that shy away from making decisions, difficult or easy, don’t last long as leaders.  Indecisive leaders are some of the most difficult leaders to work for. {10 Things a Leader is Not}

LeadershipLet us therefore remember

  • Leadership = collection of experiences, ideas, values, beliefs, and opinions
  • = demonstrating humility while acknowledging = still more to learn
  • not about being right but rather getting it right.

relationship formed through existence of mutual trust

Very important > Knowing when to lead + when to follow = area that separates good from great leaders.

> Please do find to read also:

  1. Should You Clean House? The most difficult question you’ll face as a leader.
  2. Is it time to change?
  3. Leader or Executive – Which Are You?
  4. Preparing to Fail is the First Step to Winning
  5. Best Practices…Who Says?
  6. Your Ability To Change Determines Success or Failure
  7. Are You a Helper, or a Server? An Important Question for Your Brand.
  8. Be An Inspiration
  9. Never Settle
  10. Stop Managing Change, Start Inspiring It
  11. Why Generosity?
  12. How Pressure Affects Performance
  13. 3 Hints to Help You Hit Your Goals in 2016: Hint #1 – Visualization
  14. 3 Hints to Help You Hit Your Goals in 2016: Hint #2 – Write it Down
  15. 3 Hints to Help You Hit Your Goals in 2016: Hint #3 – Tell People


Preceding article:

Failures, mistakes and Initiatives for Excellence and success, Working towards turning a Dream of yours into reality


Joseph DeRosa


Leadership is a collection of experiences, ideas, values, beliefs, and opinions. Good leaders ask great questions. Great leaders apply what they’ve learned from those questions to their actions.  It’s not about having,or projecting an attitude, but rather demonstrating humility while acknowledging there is still more to learn. It’s not about being right but rather getting it right.

Leadership is a privilege.  It’s not a right, nor a duty as some may think. It’s a gift given to those who have earned it by demonstrating their desire to serve others. Those who have been given a leadership role without earning it are exposed rather quickly.  People are eager to follow those they believe in, trust, and care about.  That relationship can only be formed through the existence of a mutual trust.  It’s the leaders job to build that trust.  It is granted to the leader who demonstrates his or her genuine interest and caring for…

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Filed under Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Social affairs, Welfare matters

2 responses to “A Brief Thought on Leadership

  1. Pingback: Leading Brethren – Belgian Ecclesia Brussel – Leuven

  2. Pingback: Elders who are Unfit – Belgian Ecclesia Brussel – Leuven

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