You’re Lighter Than Air~

In the West of Europe we are getting the Autumn winds and rains and the days getting shorter and darker. It is the beginning of a period when more people do feel the darkness of life coming over them and by February many feeling it to much to face it further.

The wind in Summer may never be looked at so dangerously as the winds in Autumn . A few weeks ago we regularly could see people gliding in the air, kite-surfing or on the beaches finding children and adults alike, enjoying their guidance of a kite high up in sky. They trusted they would not loose their kite and those who were hanging on a kite trusted they could come down safely in a field or on a square.

For many the last few months were the time to put away their ‘human stressors, worries and blues’. Would it not have been nice not only to temporarily banish them by a simple afternoon, in a stiff wind, flying a kite?

Let us find in ourselves the power to have a light breeze which takes away the worries of the day. that we may trust in everything we have in ourselves to face this world and to go each coming day of Winter.


  • how to cut big kite using small kite : kite tips and tricks (
    Make sure you use quality kite thread. Kite thread place an important role. Today among the various kite threads Chinese manja is very famous. This kite thread is also known as China thread. Earlier people used Manja which was made by people itself.
  • Weifang-Kite Capital of the World (
    Located in the middle of Shandong Peninsula, Weifang (wéi fāng 潍坊) is the heart of the urban agglomerations in Shandong Peninsula.
    During the Spring-and-Autumn-Period and the period of the the Warring States, some 2300 years ago, the first kite had been developed in the province of Shandong. The long literary tradition of China enables us to find more detailed information. Regarding to the book of Han Fei Zi (hán fēi zǐ 韩非子), the master of joinery Mu Zi (mò zǐ 墨子) had been constructing within three years time of development a man-lifting kite, known as the Wooden-Black-Eard-Kite. Some time later the master of joinery named Lu Ban (lǔ bān 鲁班), had been building another Wooden-Black-Eard-Kite, that had been used as reconaissance device above the ancient city of Song Cheng (sòng chéng 宋城). Both masters originate from the ancient state of Lu, today named Qufu (qǔ fù 曲阜).
  • Spreading joy high in the sky (
    The Natansons are aware they “sell fun,” but they take their work very seriously. Along with running the shop, the couple also co-host the annual Japan America Kite Festival, which will celebrate its 18th year in Seal Beach on Oct.19.

    The Natansons began serving the local kite community after the 2007 death of Monty Weston, who helped create the festival, shop and club with her son Randy nearly 20 years ago.

    They see the festival as a way to expose more adults and families to kites. It is their passion because they know their customers can always channel childlike wonder and fulfillment through them.

    “You can’t not smile when flying a kite,” Knievel-Natanson, 34, said.

  • Weather breaks for second annual Kite Fest (
    The second annual Kite Fest attracted varying degrees of kite fliers ranging from the novice to the highly skilled — and nearly every age on the birthday spectrum.

    Kite Fest was sponsored by the Yellowstone River Parks Association and SkyWindWorld Foundation, a nonprofit organization that organizes kite exhibits in major public venues.

  • 50-feet-wide kite to dot city sky tomorrow (
    A giant kite will be flown in the backdrop of the Chamundi Hills on October 1 in an attempt to enter the Limca Book of Records. Pawan Solanki, a kite flier from Ahmedabad, will fly a 50-feet wide kite at Lalitha Mahal helipad after 3 p.m. as part of the Dasara Kite Festival which begins on September 30.
  • Kite-surfer knocks out swimmer’s teeth – why? (
    On a busy day you can count 20 or more kite-surfers sailing with the surfers. Sometimes they spray water on the surfers as they go by, and some jump directly over the surfers while going against the wave. Obviously they are being propelled by the wind and not the wave. This is important because the definition of a surfboard is a non-inflatable device that is carried along or propelled by the action of the waves. If the kite-surfer is jumping a wave going seaward, it is not being carried along or propelled by the wave, and hence is not considered a valid surfboard that is allowed in a board-surfing area.
  • Flying Kites (
    I counted 2 dozen kites in the sky, and we knew more would be going up as the afternoon progressed. So many kites in a limited space means you have to have some skills as a flier–I witnessed a few crashed perpetuated by less-than-expert handlers.

Cindy Knoke


with your fist holding tight, to the string of your kite~

Mary Poppins


Have you ever considered how many human stressors, worries and blues, could be temporarily banished by a simple afternoon, in a stiff wind, flying a kite?DSC02977

It’s hard not to smile and laugh when your flying a kite, at least when you successfully get it in the air.  But then, the crashes are pretty funny too!


And it’s difficult to be depressed, and smiling and laughing, at the same time.


There is something about flying a kite that brings out the joy of the child, no matter how long buried, in all of us.


If you don’t believe me, look at these people. I’m sure all of them have a lot of worries. (I have been a therapist for thirty years, trust me on this).

But right now? Flying kites? Not so much.


So if life is…

View original post 42 more words


Filed under Being and Feeling, Health affairs, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs

6 responses to “You’re Lighter Than Air~

  1. Oh I am most honored! Thank you so much for your kindness and cheers to you~


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