Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

Instead of using what happened in the past as an educational experience and to continue the positive way, too many people get stuck and chained by the past.
Let us look forwards and focus on the present in the knowledge that perhaps tomorrow we aren’t there any-more.


Read also: Don’t put off for tomorrow what you can do today


  • Have You Ever Seen Tomorrow? (
    What is the first thought that comes into your mind when you open your eyes in the morning? Some would be groaning because it’s early morning and they have to get out of bed and go about their chores. Some would probably start thinking about yesterday’s events. Others would spend the day thinking about what they have prepared for the day and how they will get through it. Some would even wish that morning wouldn’t come.
    We never see tomorrow, because we are in today. Yet most of us spend the time trying to live in the past or the future, never in the present. How can we not understand that the past can not be changed and that the future can not be altered. We can only hope that tomorrow may hold good promises but should just spend time to make today the best it can be.
  • What to Do When You Are Feeling Stuck: 10 Ways to Get Your Life Moving in a Positive Direction (
    feeling stuck at times is just part of life.  So don’t fret.  Don’t get depressed.  Don’t fight it.  Just accept that in this very moment, it’s what you need to experience.  Embrace it.  Doing this releases much of its hold over you instantly.  And then, as mentioned previously, start looking at things differently.  Get out of your normal habits and routines and shake things up.  Take a vacation.  Do something new or challenging… and your stuckness will float away like a cloud in the sky.
  • Day 624: Yesterday, today, and tomorrow (
    Also, when I was feeling grateful, connected and clear yesterday, I spent some time thinking about what blog posts I might write, in the future.
  • Inbound14 Day One Highlights (
    If you are a small company looking to get bigger, you can’t compete with money. There’s always someone willing to pay more for attention or for talent. To be a small player competing with 800 pound gorillas, you need to have something else to offer. Dharmesh believes that “something” is your culture.
  • Just Do It: Tomorrow is National Make Your Bed Day (
    Heads up, tomorrow is National Make Your Bed Day and ’round here we plan to celebrate. As we’ve always maintained, making your bed each morning is a great way to start out your day on the right foot. What better day to begin?

    Turns out, there’s lots of evidence that making a habit of making your bed can be the turning point that begins a positive spiral. In his book The Power of Habit, Charles Duhigg calls it a keystone habit:


Many of us focus on the past and keep re-living all our pain and misery.  Others focus on the future and what might or might not happen.  People living in the past or future are unlikely to live in happiness and good health.  They are stressing about past issues and worrying about what will happen in the future.

Focusing on the present allows us to enjoy our lives and be thankful for what we have.  Here are some great quotes to remind us to live in the present.

Conceptual Image - Stairway to change/freedom/creativity etc.

Yesterday is gone.  Tomorrow has not yet come.  We have only today.  Let us begin.  ~Mother Teresa

I am not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today.  ~William Allen White

Nothing is worth more than this day.  ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Seize this day and put the least possible trust in tomorrow.  ~Horace

The world of tomorrow belongs to…

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Filed under Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs

2 responses to “Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

  1. Pingback: Home-stayers and their to do list | From guestwriters

  2. Pingback: How can we prepare for the Kingdom of God | Bijbelvorser = Bible Researcher

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