Many plumes give you strong wings

We are thankful to the Flemish organisation “Bond zonder naam” that we are allowed to publish their positive notes.

Movement without a Name
is convinced that ‘values’ inspire individual and social change. They are the key to living and working together in harmony with one another.

Many plumes give you strong wings!

Every human being needs encouragement. A baby is encouraged to eat, a toddler and a child are constantly encouraged to walk, to talk and to learn. There is no need to convince any parent of this fact. Children who are encouraged will thrive, grow and improve.
Until children become adults.
Then something seems to change in human psychology. We stop to encourage our older children and later also our colleagues, our employees or simply our fellow human beings. As if, for whatever reason, this is not required anymore. As if grown-ups do not need this anymore. Nothing is further from the truth.

This kind of negligence probably finds its origin in the fact that , if we are no longer positively valued, we neglect to encourage others, while carrying this need inside us since childhood.
The attentive spectator will however see that we are all constantly waiting for encouragement, … a pat on the back!

BzN-Mov Without a Name-Logo_EN

Bond Zonder Naam = Movement without a Name

Give people a plume and they get wings.
This was the proverb that MWN published some years ago. Many of the readers and members, reacted to this. Why?
Because people recognized in these ‘winged’ words, meant as a pun, their need to receive  a plume… or  to give one. Toddler or child, worker or leader, they all need that pat on the back. Only when acknowledged do people get confirmation for what they are doing. People want to hear and feel that they are appreciated for what they are trying to realise, often with a lot of dedication and effort.

And give people many plumes,  then they get strong wings.


Find out Who the Movement without a name is

Phil Bosmans and the Bond Zonder Naam (Union Without a Name): Movement Without a Name


Additional reading:

  1. Importance of parents 1
  2. Dignified role for the woman
  3. Duty of encouragement
  4. Change
  5. Companionship
  6. Encouraging one another
  7. Be strong and take courage
  8. Press on and exhort
  9. The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands
  10. Happiness 🙂
  11. Subcutaneous power for humanity 5 Loneliness, Virtual and real friends
  12. Words to push and pull
  13. Bible Word from God


  • Face of Flanders (
    Phil Bosmans Father Phil Bosmans, the co-founder and face of the Bond Zonder Naam (Union Without a Name), has died in hospital in Mortsel, near Antwerp, from complications of bronchitis, at the age of 89. Father Bosmans had long suffered the after-effects of a stroke in 1994, and spent his last years living in a convent in nearby Kontich.
  • “One of the best days of my life”. (René Sperling, Dutch fisher) (
    A day of fishing in an exchange program. René (Dutch fisher) said that at the kitchen table of Dale (Canadian fisher) after a day of lobster fishing in the Bay of Fundy. René normally fishes for plaice and sole in the North Sea. The day of lobster fishing and the discussions with Dale had opened his eyes to another way of fishing – of life, in fact – which had inspired him. He confessed at the same kitchen table that he had texted his father that he ‘was born on the wrong side of the ocean’. The impact of ‘another way of fishing’ would have been much less would he have read an article in a magazine about lobster fishing in Canada. As Kunzi, a Chinese Confucian scholar, so nicely expressed centuries ago:

    “What I hear I forget,
    what I see I remember,
    what I do I understand.”

    (Xunzi, Chinese Confucian scholar)
  • Phil Bosmans and the Bond Zonder Naam (Union Without a Name): Movement Without a Name (
    For most people in Flanders Bosmans was bestknown as the source of countless uplifting and inspiring aphorisms, later collected into books with titles like Best Wishes and Happy Together, which became best sellers in Flanders, the Netherlands and Germany. His collections were translated into 26 languages and sold more than 10 million copies worldwide. As a child I grew up with his writings, having each new proverb read and discussed at dinner table and put on the cupboard good in view for everyone to be remembered. ‘Menslief, ik hou van je’ was really a best-seller for our generation, inspiring us to spread the agape love.


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Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Being and Feeling, Bond Zonder Naam, Lifestyle, Movement Without a Name, Social affairs

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