Tag Archives: Yisrael Meir Kagan

Give Attention with the Heart and Light up the World

Photo by Ksenia Chernaya on Pexels.com

To remember:

  • Darkness = opposing force to light + love.
  • darkness = force of illusion.
  • this world of illusion = physical world of “Assiyah.” =  False World.
  • In place of light = no more illusions
  • desires + fears = illusions
  • good deeds > light up the world + light up fire in your heart.
  • continue serving => light up the world =  our purpose in being here.

Walking the Bridge Books

We know about paying attention, like paying attention to the teacher in the classroom. There’s a difference between ordinary paying attention and offering loving attention.

Feel the difference for yourself.
We offer loving attention with our heart, not our mind.
It is the ability to connect with our heart, not with our mind.
Engage in loving attention and see if you can get a stronger feel for it.

Darkness is the opposing force to light and love. Our sages tell us darkness is the force of illusion. The biggest place to find it is in this physical world of “Assiyah.” In fact they call this the world of illusion, the False World.

But keeping your flame lit dispels illusion.

It’s like in the movie house, when there’s plenty of darkness, you see and engage with the drama on the screen. You think the movie is real.
But when light arrives…

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