Tag Archives: Treasure

Surprise Treasure

Joy of Reading

Treasure is a picnic

in a clearing amidst redwoods,

a black and white blanket to lie on,

a sky only blue.

It’s hours to wander.

It’s the braid of conversation

between friends and the moment.

Treasure is never what we thought it was.

Once we thought we were supposed

to live perfect, unfailing lives.

Now we know treasure can look like scars.

Can emerge

from the scent of burnt dreams.

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Poetry - Poems, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Social affairs

Carving a friend out of stone

”“Like a sculptor, if necessary,
carve a friend out of stone.
Realize that your inner sight is blind
and try to see a treasure in everyone.”
~ Rumi”


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Filed under Quotations or Citations, Reflection Texts, Social affairs