Tag Archives: Taboo

To Taboo Or Not To

Freeman Poet

Election denying is taboo,
holocaust denying too.

Antisemitism is taboo,
nazi sympathizing too.

Neo-fascism is taboo,
christian nationalism too.

White supremacy is taboo,
minority discrimination too.

Belonging to a cult is taboo,
supporting dark mega too.

Gangster rap is taboo,
gangster capitalism too.

Public intoxication is taboo,
drug paraphernalia too.

Public indecency is taboo,
immoral behavior too.

There’s a reason why these are taboo,
it’s so that you don’t forget
what a decent society expects from you.

Didn’t your mother teach you:
if you don’t have anything nice to say,
don’t say anything at all?

By: ElRoyPoet © 2022

See Power of Positive Words Experiment video

“Rejecting ideals is a fair first amendment right, but purposely using language that is seen as outdated and offensive towards already marginalized groups is socially not appropriate.
Professionalism is important and standards exist equally amongst all sides, and these standards exist for a reason…

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