Tag Archives: Soul-Body Dichotomy

Why “Selfishness” Doesn’t Properly Mean Being Shortsighted and Harmful to Others

To get somewhere it certainly needs not a short-sighted vision. There has to be a plan somewhere in the head, or for sure a will and hope to reach a point, where one wants to strive for.

At first the foundation may be to reach something for the self. Self-interest at the base, does not mean it has to put the interest of others at the side or to ignore it.

Today we may see lots of people trying to pursue their dreams by short-sighted and hurtful means, like trying to shape wood into a beautiful statue by shooting it with a pistol, which is possible but for making a chair would utterly be doomed to failure.

What is wealth? Are we today really so much better off than those people who had no intercom, no telephones, no television, no electronic gadgets to divert their thinking?

It may be very handy to have the kitchen robots, but are there better things made with than the housewife’s did centuries ago?

We would agree that materially we are better off than years ago, but spiritually and socially it seems we are developing to a mess if we are not careful.

Who is willing to present himself to help others? Who is willing to sacrifice himself for the sake of others? and would such acts make the person happy? Often we see at the end that the person has become more disillusioned and/or frustrated. Lots of times those who wanted to help the poor, the needy, or wanted to get the crooks on the right path, got so many disillusions that they are not happy and have to confess they could not reach their dreams.

To get a place in life, to make yourself respectable and to build up a nice life, the person has to think about himself and about those around himself (partner and children). There is a need of a certain selfishness, because otherwise the self is shuffled in the corner and will possibly drown in the battle of those around him/her, who want to find a place for themselves in this world. finding a good balance is important. Placing the ‘I’ in a good perspective. Working on the ‘I’ and the ‘I am’ without destroying the other.
As Ayn Rand may have seen that there is another way of life that involves the destruction of no one, we are to try to build a life in respect to all other beings around us (plants, animals, humans).

It would be nice if we could see our society growing to a way of life that enables all good individuals to prosper, with no victims. Lets Go for it!


Preceding article:

Material wealth, Submission and Heaven on earth


Additional reading:

  1. Epicurus’ Problem of Evil
  2. Why God permits evil
  3. Fear the battle climb
  4. Subcutaneous power for humanity 4 Not crossing borders of friendship
  5. 2nd Half 20th Century Generations pressure to achieve
  6. 112314 – A Peculiar People
  7. How we think shows through in how we act
  8. Love envieth not
  9. The Greatest of These is Love


Objectivism In Depth

Carpenter Working with Pencil and HammerThe definitions of the terms we use have consequences for our ability to think and communicate clearly.

Imagine for a moment that your friend told you that he defines “carpenter” as “one who shapes wood by shooting it with a gun.” You’re baffled and you ask him what word he uses for someone who shapes wood by other means, such as a saw, lathe, and/or sander. He says that he really has no word for this. He has a couple of synonyms for “carpenter,” but they also carry the implication that the person shaping the wood used a gun.

Hopefully, you can see that the problem with this hypothetical situation is not merely that you and your friend are using terms differently: shooting wood with a gun is a terribly impractical way of shaping it into useful forms. If the only concepts you have of wood shaping mean using a…

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