Tag Archives: Richard Bach

Learning from ourselves

Often it are the setbacks that bring people back with their feet on the ground and have they rethink about their position in this world and in their life.

The most difficult part in our life is often to liberate ourself from the chain of vanity that may have caught us, and to get to learn that we better have to become an instrument in the Hands of our Creator, following His path He has laid out in front of us.


To remember

“You teach best what you most need to learn.”  = line from Richard Bach’s book ‘Illusions’ running through mind

Marianne Williamson frequently shares very personal stories about her honest trials through life which makes her advice all the more more palatable

  • We share in our own ways + we learn in our own ways


today’s lesson = Humility.

  • ego wants to (and has been) defending self, making excuses, + trying to justify own actions
  • making way through personal feelings of remorse, embarrassment, + confusio
  • often advice we give to others = exact advice we need ourselves.
  • hold ourselves to some ridiculous standard of “perfection” => too self-conscious to admit struggle with things we advise others to do.
  • listen to ourselves +  realize things we passionately want to teach other people = things we, ourselves, truly want to learn + embody =>  vigilant level of self awareness + honesty

enhance + deepen relationships with others + ability to impact them in a positive way

1)  Be Honest

2)  Have Compassion

3)  Stop Trying to be Perfect =>  sense of freedom



I is for Incompleteness

Timeless Insights on Humility


Filed under Being and Feeling, Educational affairs, Knowledge & Wisdom, Lifestyle, Quotations or Citations, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs, Social affairs, Welfare matters