Tag Archives: Mental health condition

# TheMe series: I am enough!

I believe in Daffodils

Being a South African has put its toll on my mental health in the past few weeks. I am proudly South African, but I am hurt by all the complications of living here or, should I say, trying to survive here.

Loadshedding, inflation, and crime have made my anxiety go a 360°.

Where to start elaborating… Working shifts, homework, dealing with “mom, I’m hungry,” driving in the dark, and working out my life in the dark literally, has been beyond overwhelming.

Loadshedding mental shutdown deserves a place in record books as a South African only mental health condition.

Imagine planning around four hours of loadshedding, ending up as six hours of loadshedding. Home work and hungry kids. In this time frame, ironing is only a dream, and preparing a cooked meal is no ones reality. All this chaos after work…

Eating bread is an easy solution to combating loadshedding supper…

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Welfare matters