Tag Archives: Excessive disposal

Freedom. To dispose of what is surplus.

Full summer.
The season of juicy fruit.
The land gives, we reap and enjoy.
The season of sharing, sharing what is abundant on the bushes.
Sharing what we can do without.

Full summer.
Is filling ourselves with sunlight.
Recharge our batteries, new energy.
The air and the light give, we reap and enjoy.
And then we share. We share what we can do without.

Because that is freedom.
To choose to share.
To give away what is surplus.
To get rid of the unnecessary.

Nederlandse versie: Vrijheid. Wegdoen wat overbodig is

English: The Open Share icon conveys the act o...

The Open Share icon conveys the act of sharing by visually representing one hand passing an object to another hand, as in “pass it on” or “sharing”. The icon also represents an “eye”, as in “look at this”. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Movement Without a Name, Positive thoughts, Reflection Texts, Welfare matters